Snake holiday

It is celebrated on June 12 every year Snake holidaybecause it is at this time that snakes leave their homes to find a partner for mating.

Traditions and omens for the Snake holiday

The people believed that on June 12 it is very dangerous to walk through thickets, and even more so to kill snakes, because the animals are extremely aggressive. It was customary to plant beans on this day.

In Russia, they believed that Mary’s root could drive away snakes, so they carried it with them. Also, creepers were scared away with sprigs of rue and emerald.

Signs for June 12

  • If there is no morning dew, it will rain at night.
  • The owl screams – to the cold.
  • Rosehip blooms profusely – we are waiting for a harsh winter.
  • Restless bumblebees promise rainy weather.
  • A grasshopper crackles in the evening – the day will be fine.
  • A clear sky at the zenith portends good weather.

Snake holiday


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