Every one of us needs a hobby. We all love these or that things, we all have something, which we enjoy doing or which inspires us. There exist plenty of things, which people like to do, and this range widens every day. People try to invent new interesting things, find followers, make just a hobby of it or a kind of business. And practically all of these things make a success and have their own number of fans. Sooner or later hobbies become widely popular and sometimes people even dedicate a whole holiday to it. This is our case – today we would like to speak about one of the hobbies, which people celebrate once a year. We speak about quilting in particular. We will discuss this day and will know, when is National Quilting Day in 2020.


Before we will get into the details of it all, we should first discuss the background of this holiday and remember some facts from its history. We surely need this basic, because without this knowledge the whole article will not have sense. Actually, we should say, that not much information, concerning the history, in particular, has been saved and came to the modern world. That is why we have an opportunity only to collect a couple of interesting details, which we will share with you.

Quilting Day

We should admit, that the holiday is not very old. It originated only in 1991. So the particular day of celebration has been determined only after that year and people began celebrating it once in twelve months. There existed a special Quilting Association, which located in Nebraska. At that year the members of the association got the idea of creating a holiday and after a while accepted a special resolution, according to which a new holiday has been started. At that day also the date of the holiday was named, so till now people know, what day World Quilting Day in 2020 is.


What does National Quilting Day mean, we will be finding out in the following paragraphs, discussing general and detailed facts on the topic. For those, who still have questions concerning the name of the holiday, which we are discussing, we should make a special explanation – it is real may be necessary in some cases. So, quilting – it is a type of needlework, when a person sees things in a special technique, in particular – with the help of quilts. Probably most of you have already seen some works, created in such a way. A lot of unusual and beautiful things appear in such a way. The technique, by the way, appeared not so long ago, that is why even now it is only spreading and interest among people is still growing.

From all this it should be quite understandable, what does the holiday itself mean. It is dedicated to this type of craft, giving an opportunity to its fans present their works on special exhibitions, share experience, listen to different lectures and certainly it all attract new people into this type of arts, who may also get it as a hobby in future. We should frankly say, that it is really a big number of people, who join this community too even nowadays, that is why it all develops well among people of different ages.


So, now you have read about the main things, which concern this holiday. Now, even if some of the facts were unknown to you, you are aware of these aspects and can easily understand the following things about it all. After all these general speeches we would like to go further and too deep into the topic – we will discuss the details, concerning the definition of this day. Here we will make everything clear and you will not need to ask answers to all your questions anywhere else.

So, this particular holiday is celebrated once a year, as we have mentioned previously. All people, who are interested at least a bit in this craft, gather, usually somewhere in the city or hall. This day symbolizes love and interest to this craft, where those, who are already aware, try to share their experience, and those, who are new to it all, are willing to take something new and interesting from it. Various things are organized at this day – expeditions, lectures, small markets, classed, etc. It is a really great opportunity to know something, which you are unaware of from the people, who know the topic well. So, it is preferable for people to know, when is International Quilting Day 2020.


Now, as we have discussed the main things, which concern the named holiday, we hope, that you have got not only general but detailed information and understanding of the holiday. That is why now we can discuss the rest of the things, which concern our topic and are really interesting. Here we will tell you about the traditions, which exist for this day and all in all will discuss, what do people do and how do they prepare for it. Partially we have mentioned some of the things in the previous paragraphs.


We have already told you that exhibitions are organized. Usually, somewhere in the city or special halls, people are gathering, who are professionals in this sphere. They demonstrate their works, can give advice and explain something on the topic. Also, they read lectures about the main aspect. So, it all is really interesting to visit – it is a place, where you will meet plenty of like-minded people and sure you will know something new. It is not a shame to come here if you do not know anything – people are always ready to help, tell you in what a way to start and many other things. That is why it will be a good start for those, who are just deeply into this topic but already know, what is the date of National Quilting Day 2020.

International Quilting Day Facts

It is an interesting fact, which concerns the history, not of the holiday itself, but this type of craft. It may sound not real, but it is the truth that quilting has a long history and many historical things and traditions are connected with it. Even in the 18th-century people do quilting and it got a special sense. The most common thing, which has been made, was a blanket. It was huge, weighty and was made very difficultly. Mothers quilted such blankets for their daughters. Each of them was of an individual design. This blanket was a special symbol, which was given from mother to daughter and further and further.

Also, we haven’t discussed one more fact, which certainly makes sense. We didn’t mention the date of the holiday. Originally, it has not got the fixed date, that is why it is always different from the previous year. As a rule, the holiday is celebrated in March, every third Saturday. For example, you can look up, when is Quilting Day in 2020, on the calendar, this year. We will be able to visit the celebrations on March 20th and will know many interesting and new facts. Who knows, maybe this year you will join this community?


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