Домой World International Port Wine Day

International Port Wine Day


International Port Wine Day

January 27 is celebrated International Port Wine Day. This drink has many fans all over the world, but its birthplace is considered to be the Portuguese city of Porto, from which wine began to be exported to England at the end of the 17th century.

There are several versions of the origin of port wine. According to one of them, alcohol was added to the wine so that it would not spoil during transportation across the sea. But some careless producers added it during fermentation. Therefore, the drink kept its sweet taste and gained strength.

In the future, this recipe began to be used specifically, and port spread to other European countries. A large amount of it began to be produced in the Crimea. At first, there were disputes about the name of the drink. But gradually, port wine took its stable position and people’s affection, which has survived to our time.

International Port Wine Day


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