International Cheetah Day

International Cheetah Day (International Cheetah Day) is celebrated annually on December 4. In order to draw the attention of the general public and the world community to the problem of the possible extinction of the species, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (Cheetah Conservation Fund) introduced the celebration of this day. It encourages collecting and disseminating information about wildlife conservation and participating in charitable projects that help raise funds for the conservation of vulnerable wild cat species.

Previously, the habitat of cheetahs was almost the entire territory of the African continent and a large part of Asia. As a result of human agricultural and industrial activity, the population of these animals has significantly decreased, and in some places it has been completely exterminated. Thus, the question of granting cheetahs the status of an endangered species and ensuring the preservation of the species arose.

The cheetah population has survived in sufficient numbers only in the central part of Iran.

International Cheetah Day


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