World Habitat Protection Day
What day is it?
Every year on October 6, a holiday of great ecological importance is celebrated on planet Earth – World Habitat Protection Day (World Housing Protection Day, World Habitat Day). The day of celebration was defined in the Berne Convention, which became an international agreement on the protection of wild fauna and flora and natural habitats. The convention contains provisions on the preservation of habitats, protection of flora and fauna, as well as on hunting methods and fishing gear that are subject to prohibition.
The task of the holiday is to promote the preservation of a favorable environment for current and future generations. Ukrainians join the celebration of this day for the purpose of preserving nature.
How did the idea to celebrate World Habitat Protection Day come about?
The holiday was approved by the Berne Convention, which was adopted in 1979 at the initiative of the Council of Europe. The decision on the relevant agreement was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 1976. The Convention was open for signature on 19 September 1979 and entered into force on 1 January 1982. At the moment, the convention has been signed by 40 states that are part of the Council of Europe, the European Union and four African states (Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Morocco and Senegal). Ukraine ratified the Convention on October 29, 1996.
The main goal of the Convention is to preserve those habitats of plants and animals where the commonwealth and mutual assistance of several countries is necessary. The content of the document includes 9 sections, the main one of which is “Protection of habitats”. By signing the Convention, the parties agreed to contribute to the formation of a national policy for the purpose of preserving natural habitats and to take effective measures in the fight against environmental pollution. A specially created committee, which includes representatives of the participating countries, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the agreements. Within the framework of the committee, expert groups are created, issues related to the preservation of habitats are studied, and advice is provided to improve the effectiveness of the Convention.
In 1998, under the auspices of the Berne Convention, the “Emerald Network” of territories of special environmental importance was created. These are the territories of countries that have ratified the Convention, but are not part of the EU. As part of this program, the status of endangered species of flora and fauna is monitored and support is provided in the legislative and scientific spheres.
World Day for the Preservation of Historical Habitats
September 19Approval of the holiday by the Berne Convention. -
January 1Entry into force of the Convention. -
October 29Ukraine has ratified the Convention. -
1998Creation of the “Emerald Network” of territories of special environmental importance.
It is difficult to overestimate the problem of the disappearance of many species of animals due to human destruction of their natural habitats. The damage humanity has done to the planet is irreversible, and the statistics are horrifying:
- Every hour, 3 species of animals disappear from the Earth’s ecosphere.
- More than 70 species of flora and fauna disappear every day.
- In 25 years, the biological diversity of our planet has decreased by one third.
- Over the entire history of civilization, mankind destroyed about 2 billion hectares of fertile land, which became a desert.
- Over the past 2000 years, more than 160 species of mammals and 140 species of birds have disappeared from the planet.
If humanity wants nature to continue creating conditions for a quality life, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of natural habitat types and protect species, entire ecosystems, and humanity itself from extinction. Ukraine also joined this Convention. In this regard, our country systematically collects and analyzes information on biodiversity and localization of valuable natural habitats.
Frequent Questions and Answers on World Habitat Protection Day
The official date of the celebration is October 6.
Habitat Protection Day is considered a global holiday, so it is celebrated all over the world.
This day is designed to draw the attention of mankind to the problem of the disappearance of a large number of species of flora and fauna due to the destruction of their natural habitats by mankind, and to direct the efforts of each person to preserve nature and protect the environment.
How to celebrate World Habitat Protection Day?
This holiday is relatively new and unknown to the general public. However, at the international and state level, many events take place on this day, where representatives of different countries meet and discuss environmental problems. Interesting events are held for the general public. For example, on October 6, 2019, an environmental event “Ecoride on electric vehicles to ancient oaks” was held in Kyiv with the aim of drawing the attention of participants to the preservation of botanical monuments of nature.
You can also help by telling your friends and acquaintances about World Habitat Day.
Why is this day important?
The purpose of the International Day for the Protection of Habitats is to remind humanity of the need to protect the habitats of flora and fauna. People should remember that they are a part of nature, because they live and develop according to its laws. It is impossible to disturb the environment for centuries, destroying the living conditions of wild animals. Deforestation, plowing of steppes, creation of reservoirs, draining of swamps – all this leads to the disappearance of many species of animals and plants.
World Habitat Day calls on each person to build their lives in such a way as to preserve and pass on to future generations all the gifts of the flora and fauna of our planet.
When will we celebrate World Habitat Day?
Year | Date | Weekday |
2021 | October 6 | Wednesday |
2022 | October 6 | Thursday |
2023 | October 6 | Friday |
2024 | October 6 | Sunday |
2025 | October 6 | Monday |