For World Password Day, we bring you a list of the most used passwords for 2020, compiled by cyber security experts at NordPass. They will be used by a huge number of users, so such options will not ensure reliable protection of your data. Most of these passwords are selected by special programs in less than 1 second. The most “reliable” passwords from the list can last for several hours.
- Experts are already tired of repeating: you should not use the password of the format “123456”, but it remains the leader from year to year. At least 2.5 million users used it this year, and it takes less than a second to crack such a password.
- In second place was another “classic” combination – “123456789”. It was used as a password by 961,000 users, and it is also possible to bypass protection in a second.
- On the third place of the most common passwords is “picture1”, which was used by about 360 thousand people. However, it will take several hours to crack such a combination. It is interesting that according to the results of 2019, she was not on the list.
This time, the word “password” came in fourth place. It has been losing its positions for several years in a row. But until 2013, this password was in first place.
Suddenly, the word “senha” appeared in the list. From Portuguese it translates as “password”.
By the way, if you think that such simple passwords are created only where no one will need them, then you are wrong. For example, the password “123456” was distributed as many as 23,597,311 times during the year as a result of hacking and illegal data leaks! Maybe someone will need your Wi-Fi password.
Here is a list of the 20 most used and therefore most dangerous passwords for 2020. If you found your password among them, you should spend a few minutes and change it.
The most used passwords of 2020
Position | Password |
1 | 123456 |
2 | 123456789 |
3 | picture1 |
4 | password |
5 | 12345678 |
6 | 111111 |
7 | 123123 |
8 | 12345 |
9 | 1234567890 |
10 | senha |
11 | 1234567 |
12 | qwerty |
thirteen | abc123 |
14 | Million2 |
15 | 0 |
16 | 1234 |
17 | iloveyou |
18 | aaron431 |
19 | password1 |
20 | qqww1122 |
The complete list of passwords can be viewed on the NordPass website at this link.
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