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When is Shakespeare Day [year]

When is Shakespeare Day [year]

There are so many talented people in the world, who try to do their best to give everything they can do to the simple people. There are not only people, who invent something or discover great things, but there are people, who bring beauty and philosophy to masses and show everybody the world in other colors – brighter and more pleasant, that it really is. Such people left earlier and they live now too. When they die, memory about them lives forever and is given from generation to generation. William Shakespeare was one of such people. Further, we will stop on the holiday, dedicated to him and will know, when is Shakespeare Day in [year].


So, to speak more about the named holiday and a person, in whose honor it is named, we should pay attention to all aspects of this topic – person’s life, his career and fame after death. That is why first we will speak about the historical background of it all. Shakespeare is a worldwide famous person, who was actually born in England. He lived in 1500-1600 years, but the whole world studies his life and works n schools and universities by present times. Not every person could ever reach such a fame!

Shakespeare Day 2018

As we have already said, William was born in England in 1564, but the concrete date is unknown, how surprisingly could it sound. Different sources give an approximate date only – April 26. Other sources also conjecture about the not concrete date. It all happened because at that times nobody saved the dates of births and only days when people were baptized made sense. So, at school times there was nothing special in his life, he was a simple pupil and was the same as other children. Those, who study literature as the main course at universities, learn the lives of such people extremely close and know all possible details. But we will not deep into them and will go further.


What does Shakespeare Day mean we have already defined and later we will define, what day Shakespeare day in [year] is. At this day people, who treat literature, treat one of the greatest and famous poets in the world. We have recently started discussing his life and it is time to continue. After school, William got married soon when he was only 18 – too early age if judge by nowadays’ rules. But with his wife, he lived a long life and they had three children together. After all this, he also began his career as a poet and a playwright and a huge success practically from the very beginning. Not all beginners in poetry reached such a success, at least for the first time.

There are a lot of articles, notes about this person, written both by him personally and other people. But if study this aspect deeper, now it is hard to say and prove, which of them are real truth and which of the are just imprudent speculations. Certainly, life and work of such a famous person are full of gossip, lies, and scandals. There were even argues, whether some of the works were really written by him personally. So, William worked as a poet, a playwright, even as an actor. In all these fields he had great success.


We have already defined that once a year people remember one of the greatest world poets William Shakespeare. He had a good family with three children, built up a marvelous career and got fame fro ages in every country of the world. Actually, the holiday is celebrated in the United Kingdom, because particularly this country is the birthplace of Shakespeare and citizens are proud to live in the same place and firmly know, when is Shakespeare Summer’s Day [year]. And people from other countries also treat this person and his birthplace with respect, because it is a rare thing to have such a great person whenever he lived at all.

Among his works the following can be named:

  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Hamlet
  • Various sonnets
  • King Lear
  • Midsummer Night’s Dream

The list can be prolonged further and further. If you ask any person in Britain or other countries, you will hardly find a person, who has not heard about these works or hadn’t ever read something of them. Except for written works, all they are always played in theaters. Generation by generation people read and watch these things and still love them more and more. Critics called him a great person, and usual readers always agreed with this opinion.


So, it is an annual tradition on, when is Shakespeare Summer’s Day in [year], by calendar celebrate it on April 23. The date has been chosen not just because of no reason, but because particularly this date is treated and was calculated by the scientists as a real and actual date of birth of the poet. At this day all those, who treat this person, his works and all doings, want to treat his memory and everything, he has done for the world’s culture and history. But together with this particular holiday people also celebrate the day of St. George and also the rest of the world celebrates the day of Copyright together with the Book Day by the UN.

Shakespeare Day

People during the day pay tribute not only to everything, which Shakespeare has done. They also pay tribute to him as a person and remember the same famous and the greatest writers of the world of all times ever. Rare people reaches the same popularity as this person did. Somebody became famous because of some affairs in personal life, sometimes because of some scandals and intrigues. But seldom people became worldwide famous just because of their talent like William had and showed to everybody. He did that all only by himself only with his own efforts. He had no help except his lovely family.

Shakespeare Day Facts

We have earlier defined and mentioned, what is the date of Shakespeare Day [year], but we will repeat that it is April 23. If you are a fan of him and his works, you are also free to join others at this day. There are a lot of traditions and so-called symbols of the day. For example, a famous place is Stratford upon Avon. This is William’s place of birth. Now there his plays can be seen and tourists go there all year round to become closer to the legend for a moment. At the named holiday at this place, you can take part in different competitions and see a lot of spectacles and, certainly, his most famous plays.

Also, there is an official part of the holiday when the Mayor of the city and other people organize a special procession, which aim is to lay flowers on the poet’s grave. It is a very important part. It all is well organized, people do not just gather and do nothing – the procession includes people in costumes, who prepare some scenes and such like things. It is a very festive sight, which many tourists also come to see.

Certainly, throughout the day people can become acquainted closer with the poet’s life, works ad career. A lot of study institutions dedicate the whole day to this topic.


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