When is National Pie Day in 2018? All in all the question sounds to be quite easy, however, are you ready to give the answer to it without any serious thinking about and surfing the net? Unfortunately, we are almost sure that the reply will be negative from your side. Why? – According to the statistics, only a few people are ready to tell “On January 23” in the same second.

And that is the reason why we have decided to investigate this subject in details.


Certainly, we understand that it is almost impossible to discuss, what day World Pie Day in 2018 is without taking into account the historical background of this amazing special occasion.

All in all there are several basic versions of the origin of this delicacy, as these bakeries are believed to be a national dish is in many countries of the world. The yummy can be conditionally divided into two types: open and closed ones, when the filling is inside the dough. For several centuries, culinary experts from all over the planet have experimented, creating new amazing dishes that differ not only in filling, but in shape and size.

The very first delicacy, reminiscent of the shape and content of a modern pie, was made in ancient Egypt. The personal bakers of the pharaohs baked fruit, nuts and honey in the usual dough, giving them a primitive form of the contemporary bakery of this type. Confirmation of this is engraved on the walls of the drawings in the tomb of Ramses II. The Greeks baked meat in a thin layer of dough, prepared from ordinary water and flour, so that the meat was juicy and had a rich taste. This dish looked very much like the meat one we used to eat.

Apple Pie

Classic version of the open type is Italian pizza, which can be with a variety of fillings: meat, vegetable, fish and even fruit. The emergence of such an original and easy-to-prepare pie originates in far ancient Rome. The famous ancient commander Lucullus, who arranged luxurious feasts, served his guests an open type, which had a classic pizza round shape. It was a bakery of sour dough baked on charcoal.

The inhabitants of Lorraine gave the world their kind of pie, which is called kish. This is a kind of open category, where for the filling of the French used the remnants of food from lunch. Today the popular variety of kish is the famous French onion pie.


What does National Pie Day mean? – Do you really want to get the answer to the question like this from us? Please, don’t ask us to do it instead of you. The matter is that we find this subject to be a rather individual one. That is why we have no any right to tell you much about its importance as well as to dedicate you to celebrate January 23 annually. All in all it is up to you to decide whether to celebrate this notable date or to forget completely about its existence in the contemporary calendar.

In general, this category of bakery is considered to be a definite symbol of hospitality and home comfort.


Discussing the set above question “When is International Pie Day 2018?” is impossible without mentioning some amazing peculiar features of this dish in general and day in particular.

We would like to tell our readers that the presence of them on the table has long been used as a sign of prosperity. From a young age, girls learned the art of cooking them. Initially the old tradition obliged the bride the next day after the wedding to bake a pie or a cake for the guests, which served as an indicator of her abilities and skills in keeping the household.

Over time, this bakery began to be a part of the everyday food. The uniqueness of the dish is that they contain all the traditional products that the common peasants used daily.

In the course of time people started to bake the small versions with the same names. This predilection was of purely practical importance. You see, traditionally a big pie was eaten by the whole family, and the pieces were given in a certain order. People were given this yummy according to seniority: for men in the first turn, and after them the food was given to women and children.

The small items of this dish appeared because this form was considered to be more convenient. – Tiny items could be taken with people to work in the field, to traveling and merchants in their routes.


When is Pie Day in 2018, calendar will help you not to forget, so there is no reasons for being worried about in fact. However, the actual problem is that only a few people know how to celebrate this special occasion in a proper way.

And what about you? – Have you heard any customs concerning this type of festive event? – No? Don’t worry, we will help you ten!

Initially this holiday was introducedby a very amazing organization called the American Pie Council and at the very beginning the establishers aimed to preserve American traditions in the preparation. Why not to do the same on January 23?

As part of the celebration you can ask everyone to prepare various types of traditional American cuisine, such as apple, pumpkin or pecan (with pecans). But for those who do not like to cook, it is permissible simply to look into the nearest store and to get a favorite treat there.

For everyone, who celebrates National Pie Day in the US, it is also recommended to share a piece of your favorite type with colleagues, neighbors, just strange people in the street etc.

Do you want to have some unforgettable moments? – It is quite easy in fact. – In order to achieve the perfect result you can organize a huge party with collective cooking and baking in your kitchen. Or just ask everybody to prepare (or just to get) a delicious pie and to bring the piece of it to your house. Organize a real tasting. – It is not difficult but usually rather appreciated in general.

Pieces oа Different Pies

As a rule, January 23 is a cold winter day, which may be turned into a real opportunity to spend some moments together with your friends or family members, talking, watching movies or reading, sitting in front of the fireplace with a mug of tasty, hot and sweet cacao.

International Pie Day Facts

Talking about the answer to the set above question “What is the date of National Pie Day 2018?” we can’t but mention that this dish is considered to be rather popular not only in the USA but in some other countries all around the world. And in some cases you can cook them for a difference. Here is our small list:

  • Ossetian Pies

Ossetian cuisine itself is very original, and the representatives of this culture give great importance to every detail when preparing their dishes beginning from the taste of the filling and up to the degree of rolling out the dough. The main component is mostly represented by cheese, but some other variants are also possible. The most typical vegetables are baked beans, pumpkin or meat. All in all in this culture there are many ways to prepare the dough, but the basis of each of them is traditionally made from flour, water, yeast and a pinch of salt.

Traditionally, Ossetians give their bakery the shape of a circle with a diameter of about 30 cm.

  • Tyrolean pie

This dish is considered to be a representative of Austrian cuisine. According to one of the legends, its origin is associated with Emperor Franz Joseph. The Austrian ruler, when returning from hunting, lost his way in the woods of Tyrol. On his way the man came to the house of ordinary peasants, where the ruler was proposed a pie filled with forest berries. After returning to his residence, Franz Joseph generously thanked the hospitable hosts of the forest hut and told them to deliver his dish to the court.

All in all Tyrolean pie has many varieties, but its species is only three. In the first of them biscuits are baked, adding spices and fruits to it. The second recipe assumes that the biscuit is prepared separately, and the filling is laid out on top and filled with jelly. The third option is prepared from a previously baked biscuit, which is then combined with fresh fruit and custard.


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