It is good that there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy…
Elchyn Safarli “If you knew…”
Fall in love with autumn:
- choose warm things
- read warm books
- study
- go for walks
- spend more time in nature
- feed the birds
- pick up mushrooms
- take autumn photos
- create coziness at home
- watch autumn movies
- prepare autumn dishes
- consume autumn fruit and vegetable gifts
- enjoy hot tea
- light candles
- be inspired by autumn colors.
There is no better time than autumn to start forgetting everything that torments and disturbs. We need to shake off worries and anxieties, like trees shake off dry leaves…
Paulo Coelho
Simple recipes for autumn blues:
Adjust the mode of sleep, work and rest. Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in the production of serotonin, which is necessary for the production of endorphins, resulting in depression. Overwork – lowers immunity and physically exhausts.
Warm clothing. Changing your wardrobe in time is not only about protection against cold and cold, it is about your ability to accept changes and adapt.
Herbal tea and freshly squeezed juice, more water. It is good for health. Reduce the amount of caffeinated drinks – they do not compensate for the lack of fluid in the body very well, and blood pressure and emotional background can shake a lot.
Healthy food and food that fills the soul with warmth. Autumn is generous with fruits and vegetables – accept these autumn gifts and boldly experiment with cooking new dishes and use the magic of spices and herbs. Cookies, mulled wine and pies – for aroma, creating coziness and warmth in the house and in the circle of loved ones.
See more delicious and healthy recipes on the Telegram channel LOW CARB ZONE
Walks, time in nature – fresh air and positive emotions, gratitude for sunny days in autumn is the cheapest recipe for autumn blues. Try to walk more and don’t miss and appreciate the good weather.
Physical activity – it is always a source of hormones of happiness, benefits for health and strengthening of immunity.
✅ Time management and organization. Planning is the prevention of overtiredness, regime violations, anxiety in all spheres of life. Plan everything: both work and rest, entertainment, meetings, training, menu for the week.
👉 We will remind you about the to-do list for autumn.
Light and color, brightness. This is about the organization of artificial lighting at home and at the workplace, and about decorative elements in the interior (bright fruits, autumn bouquets), and about bright elements in clothes, about candles, about autumn colors, etc. Color therapy is an antidepressant, it is a source of good mood and cozy atmosphere. Choose bright colors, add light and color to what surrounds you – autumn teaches us this.
Art therapy. Creativity is an antidepressant. A panel of autumn leaves, dancing or singing, drawing, embroidery or coloring. Choose an activity to your liking, find time for yourself and your desires.
Meditation. It’s rest, relaxation, awareness, it’s time for yourself and self-care. Even a few minutes a day – they are healing!
Daily joys. You yourself know what pleasant activities or things give you good mood and pleasure. Use them regularly and dosed every day. It can be music, lighting candles, taking a bath, reading a book, massage, self-care rituals, watching movies, socializing, shopping, etc.
Have a cozy, colorful and interesting autumn!