IN International Self Care Day it is worth thinking about and analyzing the quality and quantity of this important aspect of your life. Often, people think of self-care as body care, cosmetic procedures, well, if physical education and proper nutrition, sleep hygiene are also added to this.
Everything is correct. But this is only a small part of self-care. Add some more very important points.
Self-care is:
- ability to say “no”
- the ability to ask for help
- time for yourself
- self acceptance
- the ability to praise oneself
- do not criticize yourself
- the ability to share responsibility
- don’t dwell on the negative
- make an effort
Yes, effort. To do something, to act, to change, to decide is also self-care.
It is clear that self-development, education, hobbies, communication, leisure time, interesting work, work and rest regime are also components of self-care.
You need to love yourself, but not turn this love into an excuse. When you love yourself, you will do only the best for yourself, take care of your health, eat healthy food, keep your spirit high and motivate others by your example.
“And now let’s look at how we don’t love ourselves:
- We constantly scold and criticize ourselves.
- We poison ourselves with food, alcohol and drugs.
- We choose to believe that no one loves us.
- We create disease and pain in our body.
- We live in complete chaos and disorder.
- We create debts and heavy burdens for ourselves.
- We attract lovers and husbands (wives) who degrade our dignity.”
This is an excerpt from the book “How to Heal Your Life” Louise Hay.
Every day on the Telegram channel affirmations, quotes and notes from Louise Hay’s books