In different cultures, the attitude towards tattoos was and still is different. In ancient Egypt, for example, only representatives of the upper class could have them, and in Japan, to this day, tattoos are associated with the yakuza and other criminal worlds. People with tattoos on exposed parts of the body are often not allowed in decent places in this country, and even foreigners. Although one and a half thousand years ago in the same Japan, tattoos were an imperial privilege.
Tattoos and body art in general have a long history of formation and formation. During all the time, many interesting cases, facts and events have accumulated, which we decided to share with you Tattoo day.
In the eighteenth century, when a traveler James Cook made his trip to Tahiti, he brought to Europe an inhabitant of the island, whose body was completely decorated with various designs. It is believed that it was after this incident that Europeans became so interested in body paintings.
The tattoo industry in the modern world is huge, especially in Western countries. In one United States, the population spends annually over one and a half billion dollars in tattoo parlors, and these are only official statistics.

It was in the USA that the first tattoo machine was invented, and back in 1891.
Some brands practice tattoos as a way of advertising. For example, the Harley-Davidson company gives a discount to all customers who have their logo or name on their body.
The art of tattooing was still known ancient people. Archaeologists managed to discover primitive tools for applying them to the body, dating back to the tenth millennium BC. Tattoos were also known to our ancestors, the oldest mention of them is about one and a half thousand years old.
One of the oldest tattoo traditions still exists in New Zealand. Maori, native New Zealanders, have often covered their entire bodies with tattoos for centuries. Previously, these patterns were on the skin revealed a short biography owner and were a sign of his status, today it is rather a tribute to tradition.

One of the oldest tattoo traditions still exists in New Zealand. Maori, native New Zealanders, have often covered their entire bodies with tattoos for centuries. Previously, these patterns were on the skin revealed a short biography owner and were a sign of his status, today it is rather a tribute to tradition.
In the photo, the leader of the Maori people, the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century
But in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the attitude towards tattoos was negative. By them flagged dangerous criminals, so that they cannot hide if they manage to escape. Moreover, tattoos were applied directly on the face.
Modern tattoo machines almost do not damage the skin, but traditional tattooing methods are often very traumatic. Some of them actually combined with scarring. Some, however, believe that it adds volume to the picture.
It is known that the desire to make a tattoo can be reflection of internal psychological needs person to whom she wants to pay attention. It can be a longing for one’s roots, an attempt to overcome one’s fears or to integrate shadow structures. That is why, after solving these questions, or moving to the next stage of development, people often try to get rid of tattoos. After all, they no longer correspond to their psychological state.
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American George Ranger, collects tattoos on his body depicting characters from Disney cartoons. There is a mermaid on his belly, Aladdin on his back, and 101 Dalmatians in his groin. In total, there are about 500 cartoon characters on his body.
According to American statistics, women are more likely to get tattoos than men, but they are also more likely to get them lasered. Close 23% of American women wear at least one tattoo on their body, while the percentage of tattooed men reaches only 19%.
There are no temporary tattoos. A tattoo can be reduced, but it is a difficult, expensive and painful process, besides, there is no guaranteed result. And scars can still remain after it. Black pigments are the easiest to remove with a laser. Black absorbs more laser light than any other color, allowing for more effective pigment destruction. The most difficult colors to remove are greens and yellows shades There are several types of tattoo removal: chemical – using chemicals; thermal – with the help of a laser; mechanical – by cutting the upper layers of the skin.

Interestingly, many famous people had tattoos, although this fact is usually not advertised.
Yes, the famous scientist had tattoos Albert Einstein and a famous politician Winston Churchill.
photo is a joke 😉
Buddhist monks in some countries they actively cover their bodies with tattoos. In Thailand, many of them have many traditional patterns on their bodies. Moreover, traditional Thai tattoos, known as “sak yant”, according to customs, are applied only in monasteries. Modern Thai tattoo parlors refuse to tattoo sak yang clients if they value their reputation and respect traditions.