- In China and a number of East Asian countries, the Chinese New Year is the most important and long-lasting holiday, which has been celebrated for 2 thousand years between January 21 and February 21. With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, to distinguish this holiday from the Western-style New Year, it was traditionally called Chun Jie, or the Spring Festival.
- In the people Chun Jie is called “Nian” which means “year”. There is a legend about an ancient horned monster that hid in the sea, and on the eve of the new year came out on land and attacked the settlement. They called the monster “Nanny”, they were very afraid of him and hid from him in the mountains. Later it turned out that Nyan can’t stand noise, open flames and the color red.
- Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday on the planet! According to statistics, it is celebrated by 1/6 of the world’s population, including more than 1 billion Chinese citizens. In the largest cities of the world, the celebration of this holiday spread from Chinatowns to all the streets and became large-scale. The Chinese New Year competes with Christmas for the title of the most famous event.
- The largest human migration takes place every year during the celebration of this event. Chinese people living or working in other countries return home to see their family and friends. This phenomenon is called Chunyun and every year it breaks records in terms of number.
- The Chinese are preparing for the Spring Festival in advance. On the 23rd day of the last month, people must carry out general cleaning at home, please the god of the family hearth Jiaowan, who tells the Heavenly Emperor about the affairs and deeds of family members. They also clear thoughts – get rid of negative emotions, painful memories and images.
- The arrival of the new year in China is always accompanied by thousands of fireworks, because people believe that it scares away demons and bad luck. Also at night, the Chinese shred paper money and printed gold bars and burn them to honor the memory of their dead relatives and attract good luck. Fireworks are lit again in the morning to bring good luck.
- Chinese New Year is a family holiday. On New Year’s Eve, families gather around the festive table. On the first day, grandparents are visited, on the second day they honor the dead, and married daughters come to their parents, on the third and fourth days, their wives’ parents are visited by their sons-in-law, on the fifth day they honor the birth of the God of Prosperity and prepare dumplings.
- Everyone knows what curiosity, especially about personal life, can be shown by relatives. In the Celestial Empire, the curiosity of relatives “reaches the highest level”, because having a descendant and passing on one’s surname to him is a matter of honor. Single Chinese sometimes trick: hire a fake “second half”to come home with her for the holidays.
- If anyone wants to join the celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival, they can start with an interesting tradition. Gifts to friends and relatives should be paired – as a symbol of unity and harmony. In addition to gifts, the Chinese bring two tangerines, which symbolize financial prosperity. At the same time, the owners of the house should also thank the guests with a couple of tangerines.
- There are traditions that say you can’t do it. So, the Chinese avoid white and blue colors, the number 4 in gifts, clothes, jewelry as symbols of death and mourning. Also, at home on the first days of the year, they do not sweep, do not throw away garbage, do not cut their hair so as not to lose their character, do not buy shoes, because this word in Chinese is similar to the word “difficulties”.
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