• Bartenders have one rule that they must not break under any circumstances. It consists in the fact that forbidden topics for conversation are politics and religion. Being “on the wrong side”, the bartender can bring anger not only on himself, but also spoil the reputation of the entire establishment and lead to problems for the owners.
  • Varicose veins is a professional disease of bartenders. This is explained by the fact that representatives of this profession have to spend more than eight hours a day on their feet. It is also often included in the list of health problems drunkennessbecause customers always want to treat the bartender to a cocktail.
  • In some countries, you can tip by card or leave cash. But there are establishments where, instead of money, it is better to thank the bartender with an alcoholic drink of his choice. Therefore, going on a trip, it will not be superfluous to learn about the rules drinking establishments there.
  • Until recently, it was considered to be for a bartender no education required, because any person can work behind the bar. But now the requirements for the level of service have grown so much that a good bartender must have knowledge not only in the field of making drinks, but also know the basics of psychology and marketing.
  • Mostly bartenders earn from tips, rather than on a fixed fee, which can be very low. That is why, when visiting a bar, do not forget to give extra thanks to the person who made you a delicious cocktail.
  • As a hint that the client has had enough of alcohol, the bartender can serve a glass of non-alcoholic beer at the expense of the establishment. In most cases, this prevents the need to forcefully remove a patron who has had too much to drink.
  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest bartender in the world is Pennsylvania resident Angelo Cammarata. His experience at the bar is 79 years. As a young man, he started working in a bar in 1933. During the Second World War, he went to the front, and after its end, he returned to his workplace, where he continued to work all his life.
  • Englishwoman Dolly Savile worked at the bar counter for 74 years. By the time Dolly decided to retire, she was old enough 101 years old. Over the years, it has served customers about 2 million pints of beer.
  • Michael Sturm from Germany became the world record holder after carrying in his hands a distance of 40 meters 26 glasses of beer at the same time, spilling no more than 10% of the drink on the way. Now he says that he is carefully preparing to hold 3 glasses more.
  • Bart Wayne from Belgium did not leave his workplace during 102 hours in a row He is recognized as the toughest bartender in the world. Wayne set his record at the Plentyer cafe in East Flanders. At the end of each hour, he was entitled to 5 minutes of rest. If Wayne refused to take a break, the minutes piled up. In this way, the record holder was able to sleep for 45 minutes.

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