There are so any holidays in different countries, which are dedicated to different events or traditions. They may be religious, national, state and others. Different countries have different priorities and a different attitude towards all of them. Holidays often form for years and develop long. But nevertheless, all holidays are very important for people because of different reasons. Here in this article, we would like to speak about one holiday, which is celebrated in the United Kingdom and is full of leisure and happiness. People enjoy this holiday and have the opportunity to have a rest a bit ore. It is called Summer Bank Holiday and is celebrated at the end of summer. Though it doesnโ€™t have some special meaning or historical background, why not make it popular all over the world? So, letโ€™s here speak about the holiday itself and know when is Summer Bank Holiday in 2024.

Summer Bank Holiday

What does Bank Holiday in summer mean

Well, to begin with, it is important to say that the holiday is celebrated not only in the United Kingdom but also in Scotland and Wales and also in Northern Ireland, though it has a bit different dates. The holiday takes its beginning in 1800es. It may sound strange, but there is a particular reason to create the holiday. At that time cricket was a very popular sport and many people took part or wanted to participate in cricket matches.

But because of working hours some of them had not got such an opportunity. That is why it was made a decision to give people, who were bank employees, this opportunity. The date was chosen and firstly the holiday has been celebrated in August on the last Monday. But it was not an exact date and it took some time to try the holiday. Later people came to a decision that the holiday must not be moved to some other date and was left as it is till nowadays. That is why it should be always counted, what is the date of Summer Bank Holiday 2024. The only difference concerns Scotland, where the holiday is spent not on the last, but on the first Monday in August.

Summer Bank Holiday

As you can see, the holiday doesnโ€™t have some special meaning or serious background. But it turned out so that people needed a bit time for their private life and leisure. Some people may think that it is strange or unnecessary, but they may be wrong. Why not give people a little chance to have a rest and do what they really enjoy?

Traditions and life during the holiday: what do people do now

So, if speaking about some public life โ€“ there are some things, which should be admitted. It is not difficult to count that at this period people have three days of weekends. Usually, they are marked by most citizens as the end of the summer โ€“ time, when vacations and holidays end, when everybody goes again to schools, colleges, universities and other studies, others go to work and such like things.

That is why most people would like to go on some short trips or vacations โ€“ somewhere abroad or inside the country, to gather with families or friends, to go on picnics. As there are the last sunny and warm summer days, it is a good opportunity to spend them outside in the fresh air. Also, some people do enjoy staying at home and work in a garden or just have leisure time in the yard. People really wait for these days and know always exactly, what day Summer Bank holiday in 2024 is.

But except all this, the holiday has one remarkable event, which attracts thousands of people to the capital of the country โ€“ London. And this event may be well-known to many people from all over the world. It is called Notting Hill Carnival. This carnival is held exactly on the day of the bank holiday on the main street of the city. It is very bright and colorful and every person, who sees it, will memorize it for the whole life. Moreover, many people especially come to see it with their own eyes. The carnival is treated as the second biggest in the world!

People wear bright clothes, sing songs, and dance. All this event is very loud and catches the eye of every viewer. It is very old โ€“ it is held for about 50 years every year. Eventually, such an event has been organized by the Caribbean and had the serious background. In such always those immigrants struggled against racism and poorness because they suffered much from it. But not it all brings people only happiness and smiles.

Also, schools donโ€™t work and many business center and organizations are closed. But every area has its own customs and working days and other traditions are celebrated due to these customs. If you donโ€™t know concretely when is Summer Bank Holiday in 2024, the calendar will help you to count this date? This year people will celebrate it onย  August 3rd.


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