For each person, repentance means different things. Repentance not only changes the internal but also external spheres of human life. Repentance Day is a Christian holiday. When is Repentance Day in 2024? In Germany, Protestant Christians will celebrate this holiday on November, 18.

Dates of the holiday change every year – this happens because a holiday is celebrated on Wednesday before the last Sunday of every church year. However, it was celebrated in such a way not always, let’s go back to the early history of this holiday.

History of the Repentance Day

In antiquity, wars and disasters brought by barbarians in ancient Rome have led to the fact that the rulers were forced to introduce so-called “days of repentance and prayer”. Those days, the inhabitants of Rome had to collectively appeal to God. The rulers imposed these special days for that would give the community a sense of hope and that they can change something.

Repentance Day 2017

But to answer the question: when is Repentance Day in 2024, and why exactly this date in the calendar? You can tell it only if you will learn how the tradition of the holiday originated in the Middle Ages.Then, it was the custom to hold “days of redemption.” In those days, people were fasting, such days were held every three months, and lasted for three days. Such days were holding by the church, but in some regions, the country obliges its nationals to carry out “days of redemption” and it became a human obligation to the country.

Since 1532, in Germany they celebrate Repentance Day, there it is called Buß und Bettag. Translated into English, it means a day of repentance and prayer. The first celebration was held in response to the Turkish war. In the regions of Germany, this holiday is celebrated several times a year, there existed also a variety of dates. Thus, the total number of events equal to forty-seven, and it celebrated in twenty-four different days.

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Since the end of the twentieth century, the church began to actively encourage the holding Day of Repentance and Prayer in all countries.

Repentance Day has become a working day three years ago. The reasons for the abolition of the holiday as a public holiday were economic reasons. Problems with the financing of care insurance project, have been solved by the abolition of the holiday. Therefore problems of employers with the not equal financing of this project have been resolved. After all, due to the introduction of one more working day government been able to compensate for the excess of their costs.

For restoring of Repentance Day as a public holiday a public forum was organized, which took place on November, 30. This idea failed because 25% of the vote was required, but only 20% supported this idea. That is the reason why this holiday has become a working day.

But now in Germany, everyone can take a day off on this day due to religious beliefs, and in Saxony, Buß und Bettag is a public holiday for everyone. This order was approved by law in 1995.

What is Repentance Day for modern people?

To find out what day Repentance Day in 2024, please refer to theology. Scientists-theologians think that this day is directly related to the “parable of Jonah.” Jonah is a prophet, he was sent by God to Nineveh for the trial and punishment of Nineveh citizens. He was frightened by this complicated job, he floats away from the city. However, Jonah’s ship fell in a storm, he confessed his sin to his companions. He asked his travel companions to throw him overboard because he wanted to atone for his sin.

Then he was swallowed by a great whale and inside the aquatic beast, he spent 3 days. He repented and agreed with the fate which God send to him. After that, the great whale has released Jonah directly to Nineveh. Jonah helped the residents of the city to repent and fulfilled his destiny.

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Repentance Day

When Repentance Day 2024 will come, the faithful people will think about their purpose in life and their destiny, even despite the fact that this holiday has lost past religious “coloration”. In the evening of Buß und Bettag in many churches hold divine services about a return to God. Now in this holiday is in German schools, play short pieces with scenes from the Bible.

In each family and every city or village, Repentance Day is celebrated in different ways. Everyone can decide how to celebrate this holiday, at home or in a Protestant church. This holiday also gives the opportunity to repent, not only of personal sins but also in those that made a nation or region. For the purpose of not repeating the mistakes of the nation in the future and to remember the tragic events in Austria and Germany, people on this holiday will repent for the Holocaust. Because this tragedy reminds us that it is necessary to protect our neighbors, regardless of religion or other factors. Most people, after Repentance Day, will celebrate Advent. On Advent, people thank Christ for his life, birth, and death. This holiday is an expression of gratitude to God for His grace.

Peculiarities of the celebration in New Guinea

Day of Repentance and Prayer is celebrated not only in Germany, this holiday is also a very important for the residents of Papua New Guinea. In Papua – New Guinea, this holiday was offered by the church and celebrated since 2011. On this day, across the country are held special ceremonies of repentance. Despite the fact that this is a Christian holiday here it is celebrated by representatives of all faiths. In order to be able to visit these ceremonies, this holiday is a public holiday. However, in that country, the date of the celebration is different from the celebration date in Germany. What is the date of Repentance Day in 2024 in Papua New Guinea? Every year, this holiday takes place on 26 August.This holiday has become important for this country.

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Do not forget about this significant holiday regardless of your location and religion. After all, this is a great opportunity to rethink our existence and build bright plans for the future.


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