When is National Pig In A Blanket Day in 2020? Well, unfortunately, there are only a few people, who are ready to give the answer to this question without any hesitations. And this is a strange and unfair thing, as this kind of snack is appreciated all over the planet. It is eaten in great amounts from Asia to America and from Southern Africa to Arctic. To make the situation clear today we want to arise this question and tell you as much as it s possible about this popular dish.
Of course, we know quite well that the matter what day Pig In A Blanket Day in 2020 is needs the representation of some additional fact, as it is not as easy and obvious as it may seem at the first sight. Unfortunately, we have not found any information available about the establishers of this holiday. But it seems to us, that initially it was nothing but a successful attempt to create a marketing campaign. Somebody wanted to sell the production and established the holiday.
Of course, it would be wrong to say that sausages are a “young” dish, because they were made from the 15th century. But the modern taste and original look was presented to us by a German butcher, Johann Georg Laner (1772-1845), who proposed a new recipe. Just stuffing for sausages included two types of meat – pork and beef.

It is worth noting that the author of the innovation was born in Hasseldorf. By the way, here they still remember and honor their glorious resident. In honor of the 225th anniversary of the birth of Laneer, a monument was erected at the expense of the residents: a figure serving a butcher’s sausage and a bronze plaque setting out a brief history of the invention of the sausage.
However, the amazing thing is that for a long time this snack was unavailable in some parts of the planet. For example, in the 2000s, the citizens of the former USSR realized with some satisfaction that they were at last full with sausages, as they could be purchased in every shop. After that in the course of time, American hot dogs were massively represented on the streets and parks of their cities. And the appearance of original German sausages in beer restaurants was massively appreciated as well.
What does Pig In A Blanket Day mean? Well, this question is not difficult. However, we can’t give a certain reply. It is really impossible. You should define whether the matter is important for you or not. You see, there are a lot of people, who prefer not to buy this snack for various reasons. Some men and women find it harmful, others are on a diet, so it is not a great surprise that they are not going to celebrate or to be involved into celebration.
From our side we would like to tell you something really amazing. – You see, there are products without which it is difficult to imagine our contemporary gastronomic life. And even dinner for our pets, cats and dogs, would be impossible sometimes. All in all, sausage is, in the first turn, a dish, which is considered to be quite simple and very convenient, because its preparation takes a minimum of time, even if you want to dream a little. Unfortunately, the taste of sausages can be argued sometimes. In fact it is better not to talk about the benefits at all.
Talking about the question “When is International Pig In A Blanket Day 2020?” we can’t but mention some amazing things, which concern this matter.
Fortunately, not all countries treat hot dogs with such a terrific fanaticism, like US residents, who, in accordance with some statistics, are able to eat 20 billion hot dogs a year. Would you like to imagine, how many products they have annually? – It turns out that this length will be enough to reach the sun more than once, and also to go around the planet many times. It is really terrific, isn’t it? The Americans are great lovers of the sausages. From time to time they even hold speed-eating competitions for hot dogs.
About this meat product even there is a riddle: the name is French, American fast food, German invention. What is it? Of course, the famous sausage, which we, despite everything, was and is eaten all around the planet. The parents buy them for their children and as a lunch during the picnic time in the offices. So we may say that the dish called Pig in Blanket has wide world recognition.
Under the condition you want something unusual for dinner and are going to astonish your surroundings, it is recommended to prepare these tasty things in the dough. It is actually not quite an unusual food, but let’s say, that it is not every day one, because for some reason this dish is not often remembered. Although it exists for a long time and the so-called meat items are cooked in the dough easily and simply. No special tricks are needed here.
And by the way, this is a snack, which is popular in many countries around the world. Most of the time in cooking, the yeast dough is suitable. And in 20 minutes you can get a delicious crunchy snack with juicy sausages from the oven. It should be served immediately hot, better with a few sauces.

When is Pig In A Blanket Day in 2020, calendar may remind you, if you would like. All in all, it is not difficult to memorize the date. – The matter is that it is fixed and this simultaneously means that it is celebrated on April 24th annually.
Certainly, the holidays like this are not celebrated on the state level. The local authorities do not prepare any contests, competitions or parades devoted to this event. However, it is not a reason for being worried or upset. You are always free to invent something special. – What about a party? – You see, you may purchase some pigs in a blanket in the shop or to prepare them at home. Some people like to organize cozy home gatherings. Others give preference to noisy celebrations in the company of friends or even colleagues from work. A tasting party would be a perfect solution, however under these conditions you will have to prepare some variants of this dish or to serve it with sauces.
National Pig In A Blanket Day Facts
Investigating the question “What is the date of Pig In A Blanket Day in 2020?” we have to mention that there are matters, which should be discussed in the first turn.
Lander, which has been already mentioned above, also lived in Frankfurt am Main. But by the will of fate he moved to Vienna, where in 1805 he opened a butcher shop. Here the man together with his mates began to sell sausages, which were called – frankfurter, that is, Frankfurt.
At the same time in other countries, their name was different – Wiener Würstchen, that is, Vienna sausages. It was this fact that caused the long disputes between Germany and Austria about the “birth” of sausages. The Germans say that they were the first to try them, and then the Austrians. But is it worth arguing when this meat product is loved all over the world, regardless of its level of well-being, at breakfast and at a picnic.
It happens that the product is wrapped in a layer of dough. However, the well-known “sausage in the dough” was also invented by the Germans, and is called Würstchen im Schlafrock – “Sausage in a nightdress”. Although residents of the United Kingdom and the United States call this gastronomic pleasure aka “Pig in a blanket.” But there is also a Bagel dog, that is, a small thing in dense dough that resembles dough for bagels.