These yummy things are considered to be very popular type of contemporary treatment, as the modern consumers really like the refreshing taste of these delicacies. This is of common knowledge. However, are you ready to answer the question “When is National Chocolate Mint Day in 2018?” without our prompts or consultations with somebody who are in theme? We are almost sure that you are going to reply negatively, that is why we have decided to discover the matter in details.


Of course, we understand that the discovery of the question “When is International Chocolate Mint Day 2018?” seems to be impossible without paying attention to the historical background of this event.

In fact the origin of this tasty thing with peppermint filling remains to be a real mystery. At the same time we can’t but mention that for many centuries, dessert and mint were used only separately. It is known that initially cocoa beans were used by the Maya and Olmec tribes that lived in South America.

In those distant times, pounded cocoa beans were poured with water. Pepper was also added. The tribes had a whole cult of cocoa beans. They even had a so-called cocoa-god. It was believed that the drink, prepared from them, is able to heal the body and soul.

Chocolate Mint

The beginning of the use of peppermint is also unknown. Both ingredients had been used in very different ways until they were brought to Europe and North America. While taste was a popular ingredient, dessert was available only to a wealthy class of the population. At the same time both components were used for medical purposes.

It is known that in the Middle Ages in Europe, only apothecaries could cook sweets, desserts and, of course, chocolate elixirs. Later, it was time for the scientific and technological revolution and it became possible to produce and to sell dessert at affordable prices. One way or another, it is not known who connected the two components, but this mixture has been a success for many years.

Frankly speaking, we don’t know the names of this holiday establishers as well as the reasons to celebrate the event on February 21st exactly. In accordance with some specialists’ points of view, initially it was nothing but a successful marketing decision.


What does National Chocolate Mint Day mean? – To tell you the truth we are not able to answer this question instead of you. Why? – You see, it is only up to you to decide. In the modern world there are a lot of those men and women, who have never tried this treat.

At the same time we can’t but mention that this dessert is often chosen by those, who don’t usually like sweet things. As you understand, taste is usually added to dark sorts and the thing has rather specific taste.

This type of dessert can be found in almost every shop. A great amount of contemporary manufacturers produce it, as it is able to bring company a lot of benefits and money. However, we recommend you to give preference only to high quality products, as the bad ones are able to spoil all the impressions and you won’t feel this unusual taste.


The investigation of the matter concerning the theme what day World Chocolate Mint Day in 2018 is, needs the representation of some interesting pieces of information.

For example, have you ever thought about proper production as well as consuming of this popular dessert? – Well, dessert with this filling is made by addition of this flavor to different kinds of cocoa delicacy. The manufactures usually use both peppermint and spearmint. At the same time it is used as a basis for various kinds of sweets, cakes and candies. Some people prefer ice cream with this taste. Hot varieties and specific beverages are in trend.

Taking into account all the ingredients and the preparation process, this kind of dessert can be served with a more or less intense taste of mint. We can’t but mention that it is added both in dark, milk and white sorts. Therefore, every single type has its own unique formula and saturation.

Up to the present moment peppermint chocolate is made under different brands. The most popular ones are Mint Athlete, Lindt Excellent Bitter with mint, Cupido and others.

Mint desserts are also widely used for cosmetic purposes, for example in the manufacture of shower gels, face lotions, scrubs, labial balsams. By the way, the aroma of mint chocolate is used in the manufacture of air fresheners.


When is Chocolate Mint Day in 2018, calendar will surely remind you. The date is easy to be memorized, as it is fixed. The special occasion is celebrated on February 19th every year. This information simultaneously means that you can be involved any year you like. However, are you ready to celebrate this special occasion in a proper way?

This day we would like to propose you to try something really new. Up to the present moment you can find a great variety of chocolates. – What about a homemade sort? – This is a perfect and fresh idea for those men and women, who love non-standard solutions.

You see, the cooling flavor is very harmoniously combined with the quality product. This filling is natural and dried. As a rule, the products are taken from ecologically clean regions, passed the radiological control.

Chocolate Mint Cakes

If you want to create this chocolate at home, take the product ground to a powder. Melt a bar of chocolate and add there some filling. After that, leave it to cool for some time.

Mind that such chocolate is not only pleasant, but also useful for our organism. Why? – The matter is that the taste helps with a variety of diseases, from colds to headaches. In addition, even the ancient Greeks knew that the flavor raises the mood and excites the work of thought.

A striking combination of soft and unobtrusive taste of chocolate with a refreshing light mint note will give an amazing pleasure even to the most demanding gourmets.

International Chocolate Mint Day Facts

Discovering the question “What is the date of National Chocolate Mint Day 2018?” we would like to give our readers as many interesting pieces of information as it is possible.

For example, have you ever tried to prepare this tasty and so requested dish at home? No? – Oh, well, we are going to teach you, how to do it properly.

Here is a list of some prompts, which will help you to prepare this tasty dish at home and on your own.

  • As we have already mentioned above, anyone can make this kind of chocolate himself/herself. In order to do it properly you will need 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 7 mint sprigs, 10 grams of vanillin, 5 grams of milk, 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of butter, a pinch of ground cinnamon, a pinch of chili.
  • First of all wash the corresponding leaves and sprinkle them with sugar, add chili, cinnamon, sugar and vanillin. In a separate container, mix cocoa powder, milk and hot water. After that, heat the mixture over low heat.
  • Mix mint and chocolate, add a little more water and heat the mixture on fire, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves completely. Then add some butter.
  • Prepare a mold, which have to be lined with foil. Put into it half of the hot chocolate. Arrange it in a thin layer, then pour the filling and after pour the remaining chocolates. After that, the dessert should cool down at room temperature. Then put it into the fridge.


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