World Day of Organ Donation and Transplantation
World Organ Donation and Transplantation Day is held every year on October 17. Unfortunately, there are still quite a lot of organ diseases that cannot be treated with drugs, but only require transplantation.
Donating organs, tissues, and blood saves lives. This day is held in order to provide people with even more information about the importance of donation, and sometimes about the necessity of life. Donors and their families should also be honored and thanked on this day.
For the first time, the manipulation of blood transfusion from person to person was performed in 1818 by the English obstetrician James Blundell. We are grateful to him for inventing convenient tools for blood collection and transfusion. The first attempt to transplant a human organ into a person was made in 1936 in Kherson by Y. Voronin, this attempt was unsuccessful. Only in 1954, J. Murray and J. Merrill managed to successfully transplant a kidney to a patient with kidney failure. The donor was the twin (identical) brother of the patient. Currently, transplantology is practiced often and successfully, but it still remains a very expensive operation.