All-Ukrainian day of fight against breast cancer
At the beginning of 2005, the President of Ukraine signed a document according to which every year on the twentieth day of October the All-Ukrainian Day of Fighting Breast Cancer is celebrated.
The first place in the world among cancers is breast cancer, which in most cases affects women. Men suffer from this disease less often.
Every year in Ukraine, an insidious disease is registered in almost 15,000 women, a quarter of whom are of reproductive age. On average, out of every 10 new cases, 7 women overcome the disease.
Untimely referral to doctors is the main cause of death from this terrible disease. Every year, about 20% of new cases of breast cancer are detected at late stages, when the effectiveness of treatment is significantly reduced.
- Specialists claim that RMZ is not a sentence. If detected in the early stages, modern world medicine is able to effectively fight with oncopathology. When the disease is detected at the 1st stage, 95% of patients have a chance to return to a full life.
This event was introduced in Ukraine to draw the public’s attention to the seriousness of the risks of breast cancer, to raise awareness about early diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms.
Back in 1991, the pink ribbon became the international symbol of the fight against breast cancer.