On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, we have prepared for you interesting facts about space and cosmonautics.

Space is considered a height greater than 118 kilometers above the Earth. This milestone was named by Canadian scientists in 2009. The boundary of the atmosphere has been the subject of controversy for many years. The degree of rarefaction of the air was usually taken as a basis. But this is a rather vague indicator, because at an altitude of one hundred kilometers, the earth’s air does not run out yet. Canadian researchers took a different path and established a boundary at which the influence of atmospheric winds ends.

In the USA, cosmonauts are called astronauts, and in China – teikunauts.

“Teiku” in Chinese means emptiness, or airless space. The patriotic Chinese invented a new word and did not call their pilots astronauts or cosmonauts, but called them teikunauts.

After returning to Earth, many astronauts have to literally relearn how to walk.

Most often, it is difficult for an astronaut who has spent a lot of time in weightlessness to get used to the fact that objects have weight and fallif you just release them in the air.

NASA specialists train future astronauts in a special soundless chamber that absorbs up to 99.99% of sounds. There are no sounds in space – due to the lack of air. Therefore, even powerful explosions occur in complete silence. It is very difficult to work in such conditions.

Just a few minutes in a sound vacuum cause panic attacks and strong auditory hallucinations in unprepared people.

For the entire history of cosmonautics directly not a single person died in space. Although there were, of course, accidents with fatal consequences, they all happened during take-offs, landings or tests.

Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon after Neil Armstrong, said:

Astronaut Alan Shepard became the first American in space, because at first NASA wanted to send a monkey into space, but the space agency received a lot of letters in defense of animal rights, but not a single one came in defense of Shepard. As a result, Shepard flew away.

Buzz Aldrin

The same Buzz Aldrin, already a 72-year-old veteran of cosmonautics, once punched in the jaw sent to knockdown an excessively intrusive and impolite citizen who, in an ultimatum, demanded from him to confess that he had never been to the moon, or to swear to the contrary on the Bible.

After returning from the moon, the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission passed customs controland in the customs declaration the cargo was recorded in the documents as “moon dust and stones”.

In a state of weightlessness stop snoring even those who snored on Earth.

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Interesting facts about space and astronauts


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