Religious holidays are very important for the modern world and take a special place in the lives of people. From early ages, people treated religion, its traditions, created holidays and remembered remarkable events. Also, there were people, which strongly left their names in world’s history and became saints. Till nowadays people believe and read prayers towards such people, waiting for support and help. In this article, the speech will go towards one of such people and a holiday, dedicated to him – Good Friday. We will find out, what does the holiday mean, how and when it is celebrated and know, when is Orthodox Good Friday in 2025.
Main facts and history
First of all, it is important to admit that we will speak particularly about the holiday, celebrated at orthodox church. It is important because catholic church has other dates of the same holiday and their traditions differ a bit. That is why we have to observe this holiday in two different confessions with their own rules. But let’s go back to the holiday itself. Its meaning is that during this day people remember the events, which lead to the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus was a person, who lived to help people all over the world and has been crucified but resurrected after his death. He was ranked among the saints and every person, living in the modern world, treat him till present days and pray to get a good advice or help from the heaven.
Good Friday is a day, from which the Passover begins. Before it, people keep to a special Fast, which is the biggest and the main in the whole year. In such a way they are getting ready morally and physically to the Passover – by this time people get rid of all bad thoughts in their minds and souls, don’t eat junk food and do not do a lot of other things, which spoil our life and ourselves in particular. When the Good Friday comes, a person must be free and pure. It is like he begins a new part of his life. That is why it is very important to know, what day Orthodox Good Friday in 2025 is.
There are no some special traditions, dedicated to the celebrations of Good Friday. But they may differ from country to country. There are countries, where religious traditions are very important and people treat them so much. An example of such country can be Greece. Good Friday is generally treated there as a mournful day. That is why all the flags at houses, churches and all other buildings are dipped. Also, churches may carry out some traditions, concerning the cross and the icon of Jesus Christ. They are wrapped in a linen and put at a special place, decorated beautifully with flowers, where prayers are read all day long and every person can come and touch it.
Other countries may have other their own traditions. Not all people treat this holiday so serious like, for example, in Greece. That is why some of them do not have some special traditions of the kind. But still, it is a well-known information everywhere, when is Orthodox Good Friday 2025.
Also, the level of religion in such countries as Greece makes this holiday an official one. But usually, in most countries of Europe and America, it is not an official holiday. People spend their usual working day, after which or before which they have a possibility to celebrate this holiday, to visit the church and read prayers.
At countries, where Good Friday is an official holiday, many establishments do not work, so as embassies, etc. As it is accepted, people their meet together at a dining table with their families and close people, spending time together, praying, remembering Jesus and eating delicious food.
All the churches treat this day very much. Each of them read special liturgies at this day with special prayers, praising Jesus Christ and his life. This tradition differs from church to church – there are different rules for the time of liturgies and people, who visit them. But nevertheless, this holiday is very important for believers and those, who work in the church. As it has been mentioned, it is connected with cleanliness and facts, which give people a chance to become better and get rid of everything bad inside of every of us.
Sometimes people are mistaken and do not know, what is the date of Orthodox Good Friday in 2025. Some people mix it with the catholic holiday, but all in all, it is difficult to count because every year the date changes and the calculations are made upon other calendars. This year, for example, it will be celebrated on April, 17th.