When is National Cotton Candy Day in 2024? It is very easy just to tell the date, but first of all, let us speak on the topic of the historical development of the holiday. The appearance of this day can be named the history of the cotton candy itself. By the way, in other words, it is named the fairy floss or the candy floss.

The first form of this treat was represented by the spun sugar in the nineteenth century in Europe. Back then such treat was extremely valuable. It could not even be compared with today’s simplicity in the process of candy floss manufacturing. The treat was available only for rich people because its production was extremely costly and involved a lot of workers.

In 1897 everything changed. John Wharton and William Morrison invented  special fairy floss-making machine, which was represented to masses at the World Fair in 1904. It spread out all over the world since that year. It is found everywhere now, not only in America. Such popularity led to organizing the holiday devoted to this delicious treat.

Cotton Candy

Meaning of the holiday

What does National Cotton Candy Day mean? It actually means that people beloved with a treat, somehow gather and celebrate the appearance of this amazing treat. There a lot of activities connected with fairy floss. People wonder what day World Cotton Candy Day in 2024 is.

Answering this question requires explaining the essence of the holiday. The holiday’s goal is to spread the treat even more and make it even more popular. Of course, one of the goals is to commemorate its creators. Without them, the treat would not have appeared.

What is actually fairy floss? It is sugar, nutrient flavoring and coloring mixed together. It melts in the mouth and reminds the wool. Some kids even call it sugar clouds. All of that is very cute and partly explains why this holiday is spread among the children and grown-ups.

Definition of the holiday

When is International Cotton Candy Day 2024? The answer is the December 7th. How can this holiday be defined? It is not the formal holiday, created for those, who greatly enjoy the treat and cannot imagine life without it. Surely, this statement can seem hyperbolized, but it is literally so.

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People who enjoy the holiday, connect a lot of activities with it. Some are really creative and do something by their own. Others prefer just to buy spun sugar and enjoy eating it. Everyone prefers what he or she likes.

Traditions of the holiday

What is the date of National Cotton Candy Day? After having answered this question it’s time to move over to the ways of celebration. It is different for everyone. Below here are some ideas that can be implemented during this holiday.

  • Organize the cotton candy themed party at your house. You may do whatever there, but the main element and part of the party has surely to be the cotton candy. You may prepare the cocktail for the guests adding this sweet element;
  • Nowadays it is possible to buy the cotton-candy making machine, which is easy to use. It is produced in special kits for fairy floss making. Such kits contain various flavors for “sweet cotton wool” and the handles for it;
  • The best way to celebrate will be making your own homemade fairy floss. Is it tricky? A little bit, but not really. Below here is the instruction for this.

The ingredients needed for the homemade treat making are: sugar, corn syrup (clear will be a better choice in case you will color it), water, food coloring and flavoring, pam spray. There are also some tools needed. They are: three spatulas, special thermometer, a pot, a bowl for fairy floss collecting, scissors, a whisk and measuring cups. What is necessary to do after getting everything ready?

  • The first advice here is to do everything outside so it would be simpler to tidy up. The spatulas have to be put on the table and something massive needs to be placed on their ends. The spray goes on them after it. The ends of the whisk have to be snipped and left there;
  • The next action is preparing the mixture. 1,25 of a cup of granulated sugar, corn syrup (a quarter of a cup and a quarter of a third of a cup), water (a quarter and 1,5 teaspoons) have to be combined and started to be stirred and cooked. After boiling the mix, you have to stop and let the mixture cool up to 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Afterward, the food coloring and flavoring can be added to the mix;
  • The whisk has to be put into the mix and waved over the spatulas. The fluffiness of the fairy floss depends on the hardness you apply to your motions. When there is quite a reasonable amount of fairy floss, it has to be grabbed into the bowl and enjoyed by everyone around!
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This recipe is not imply to make but after doing it you will feel really satisfied with yourself. Hard does not mean boring. You can involve all your friends into this process and make a National Cotton Candy day a very memorable holiday for your company! The picture taking has to be a part too.

Making Cotton Candy

International Cotton Candy Day Facts

When is Cotton Candy day in 2024 (calendar)? We have already mentioned this and now it is time to turn the attention to the curious facts connected with the fairy floss. People enjoy it daily but do not really know anything about it. Isn’t it urgent to change this situation, especially for those who are going to celebrate?

  • Fairy floss is the original name for spun sugar;
  • The treat made in special machines, consists only from the single ingredient, and this is sugar;
  • Tootsie Roll is considered to be the biggest manufacturer of this treat;
  • It is a fat-free food. However, the number of sugar in it is not safe regarding the dietary recommendations;
  • It is curious that there is less sugar in fairy floss than in the soda drinks. The size of the “sweet wool clouds” is that big due to the fact that it is fluffed by the air;
  • One of the fairy floss machine inventors was a dentist (at that moment he obviously did not worry about the fact that sugar spoils teeth or he just loved the candy himself);
  • The machines for spun sugar preparing use centrifugal force so that the sugar melted and span through the little holes;
  • At the World Fair, which represented spun sugar to the people, there were sold around sixty-nine thousand boxes of it. The cost for the box was twenty-five cents (now it equals six dollars);
  • If you ask your grandparents about the cost of this sweet treat many years ago, they will prove its high price at those times;
  • Fairy floss started to be spread at the fairs and in the circus as long as it became famous;
  • A thread of a fairy floss is thinner than people’s hair;
  • In Netherlands there is a word for fairy floss which means sugar spider;
  • There are even special vending machines for the sales of this treat.
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The conclusion that can be made after considering all the data about traditions and facts, connected with the holiday, is the following: this is a fun event and there are absolutely no reasons for not celebrating. Everyone can decide for himself what to do during the holiday. However, the most entertaining way to hold the celebration is to prepare the sugar spun yourself, inviting friends and family members. Enjoy yourself and get the most out of the National Cotton Candy Day, which starts to spread all over the world.


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