How hard are you going to work to achieve the goals youโ€™ve once set? To get the better job, to get along with the people around, to constantly keep your self-development? Alas, most of us donโ€™t want to do more than is usually expected. The moment we stumble over the obstacles that the life put in our ways, we stop striving for the higher levels and give up on our dreams.

But no pain โ€“ no gain. To get something, we should do more than is considered normal. And thereโ€™s a holiday designed especially for that to be reminded. When is National Extra Mile Day in 2025? Make a greater effort and read till the end!


The motivating holiday usually comes from an inspirational person. That is the case with this date, too. Shawn Anderson, an American citizen, was just eight years old when he first ran his own little business. He bargained with the local fishermen on exchanging the freshly dug worms for the money. Seems like the entrepreneurship has always been in his blood!

Extra Mile Day

From the young businessman, he turned into the founder of the inspirational organization called Extra Mile America Foundation that spurs people to make a difference towards themselves and the others. That idiom in the English language โ€“ go the extra mile โ€“ means to make more effort than is expected and that is exactly when can bring the changes to our world.

In 2009, Mr. Anderson came up with the holiday weโ€™re talking about. And if in the first year of its observance there were around twenty-three US cities involved, five years on, the number was five hundred and twenty-seven!

On top of that, it got a huge support from the media, celebrities, and sportsmen who promoted the holiday as a reminder to become more diligent with every day of our lives. We think that the main purpose of the authorโ€™s project is to make people purposeful to such a degree that there wouldnโ€™t be the need to ask โ€“ when is International Extra Mile Day 2025 โ€“ to get a dose of motivation.


What does Extra Mile Day mean? It means to try harder to get all the tasks done. The tasks that you must complete in order to advance and move forward. Our life is all about going the extra mile. We need to make choices, take risks, try new experiences, and reject those that do not suit you, leave the road that you donโ€™t feel is a right one.

It is about the choices that mean giving up on the other options and entail the consequences we have to meet. It is about the difficult encounters with the real world where there is a lot of rejection, anger, and disappointment. It is about the challenge of reaching the person you love although sometimes it seems like they donโ€™t love you back. It is about the fear of leaving the usual routine and following the full of uncertainty way. Finally, it is about overcoming yourself and forgetting about the reasons not to take risks and make a declaration of love, try to get that higher position at your job, and overall change the way you spend your life.

We have to learn to plan our future, set the proper goals, work for them, and realize all of our opportunities. We have to always wish to become a better person. Life is not just a period of time that goes along its own course; it is a great gift. And we are the ones who must decide on how we want it to be and what events we prefer it to be filled with. It might be hard sometimes but these are the exact moments when you go the extra mile and at the end get the award that pays it off handsomely.

In fact, the psychologists made up the list of reasons that donโ€™t let the people give up on something they strive for and encourage them to make a bit greater effort. First, if youโ€™re alive โ€“ you could perform anything and you must go all the way up to your dream. Then, thereโ€™s always a place for the realism โ€“ not everything gets done from the very first try. Plus, a human is strong; much stronger than they think, even after the dozens of the defeats. If someone could do that before why canโ€™t you? Donโ€™t cheat on yourself: no one can guide you. And if you donโ€™t believe you donโ€™t achieve. Your inspiration is your near and dear ones so donโ€™t give up because they look up to you. Right now, there are myriads of people who are in much worse condition than you are. You want to ditch that morning jog and instead spend more time in bed? Think of the people who canโ€™t walk at all.

Regardless of what day Extra Mile Day in 2025 occurs on, get yourself motivated on the bigger accomplishments daily.


To be successful is not that simple while the diligence and endeavor do not appear on their own. Oftentimes, the success seems to be the result of the luck and ability to charm the others, not the result of the persistent efforts. And we behave ourselves like sitting in front of the TV โ€“ if we donโ€™t like that program we switch it off at once, just like the occupations, feelings, relationships. How to get yourself convinced that the result takes time and numerous concentrated efforts?

Going the extra mile means to overcome the resistance, both the inner and the outer, to deal with the difficulties or reach the goals. Itโ€™s a bit easier to make when you clearly see the prize in the end. Life is similar to the ladder. Climbing the new rungs, we meet more and more obstacles. Yet we need to get as close as we can to the door with the sign on it saying โ€œdreamโ€. Some of us do not climb all the way up but sip the rung or even walk down. And this may bring tons of dissatisfaction. What should you do? Itโ€™s simple as that โ€“ just keep climbing stepping over the mistakes and disappointments.

Extra Mile Day

No one can avoid the misfortunes. They are everywhere โ€“ in life, at the working place, in relationships. Thatโ€™s the law of nature and it canโ€™t be changed. Yet you can bring the changes on your attitude. Donโ€™t give up on your aspirations and the way up will be easier. The more active you are the faster you move forward yet the more problems spring up to be dealt with. The biggest mistake would be to stop. A correct decision will be to make an extra effort and solve them. Itโ€™s up to you.

What is the date of Extra Mile Day 2025? It annually happens on November 1.


Even the routine issues are worth going the extra mile! Thus, wake up earlier than usual and make a breakfast for your spouse/parents/cousins. Show your appreciation and care that often hide behind the hurry for the upcoming day.

In the evening, turn off the TV and go out with your friends/colleagues. Get along with the people around you and try to know them better.

If youโ€™ve ever thought of helping the others yet always put off your intentions because of the too busy schedule, become a volunteer for a weekend at the local center for the homeless or animal shelter.

Youโ€™ve dreamed about that job yet you do nothing because of the certitude in not being a proper candidate? Then sit down at the computer, write that CV and send it whatever strength it costs you!

In a nutshell, go the extra mile in every field of your life to make it bright and satisfying.

National Extra Mile Day Facts

  • For the last year, there was a record established on the number of the cities involved โ€“ five hundred and sixty!
  • In 2009, when Shawn Anderson proclaimed the holiday, he marked it with the four thousand miles bike tour from one coast to the other.

Tick it off in your calendar, when is Extra Mile Day in 2025, and spare no effort to get closer to your dreams!


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