Day of multi-colored eyes

Every year on July 12, the world celebrates an unusual event – Day of multi-colored eyes.

What is heterochromia?

The scientific name of the pathology in which the color of the right and left eye is different is heterochromia. Eye color depends on the melanin content in the iris. A person or an animal is born with different colored eyes as a result of a genetic defect. But this anomaly can also occur during life: due to severe inflammation, as a result of mechanical trauma, bleeding, etc.

The purpose of Colored Eyes Day

The purpose of the event is to draw humanity’s attention to this anomaly, to raise awareness about it, to encourage people to abandon discrimination based on the color of the iris.

  • Pathology exists in only 1% of the Earth’s population, women with multi-colored eyes outnumber men.

Multicolored eyes are often found in dogs, cats, horses, foxes, cows and other animals. World-famous personalities with heterochromia: Demi Moore, Mila Kunis, Mila Jovovich, Kate Bosworth, Henry Cavill and others.

Day of multi-colored eyes
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