• The very first self-igniting matches were invented in 1812 by Shapsel. Their design was classic, but they were ignited using a magnifying glass or concentrated sulfuric acid. That is why they did not soon become popular, because few people could carry a bottle with a caustic substance with them.
  • Matches lit by friction, were invented in 1830 by the chemist Soriano. On the wooden sticks were heads made of white phosphorus, which were dangerous due to poisonous fumes. It was from this moment that the first industrial production of matches was introduced in Germany and Austria.
  • Originally, the boxes for storing matchsticks were metal, similar to cigarette cases. Over time, when production became mass-produced, cardboard books were introduced, which did not immediately become popular. Then on the front side of the boxes began to apply advertising, which pushed people to buy matches.
  • The term “filumenia” was proposed by Marjorie Evans in 1943. From Greek, this word literally means “to love fire”. Philumenia is a fascination with objects related to matches: labels, boxes, cardboard books. The phenomenon became popular after matchboxes began to be decorated with ornaments and drawings.
  • Storm matches – these are almost ordinary matches, but they are have a special wax coating to prevent getting wet. The hot mixture reaches almost halfway up the stick. All this in order to them could be used even in strong winds.
  • Ordinary matches in industrial production, they are also impregnated, but not with wax, but paraffin. This is done to prevent the stick from getting wet.
  • There are matches grated and smooth. The first ignite only against the side surface of the box, and the second – against any.
  • In the last century, it was popular to measure with a box of matches. As you know, its standard length was 5 centimeters, so the accuracy of the measurements was guaranteed. In the absence of a line, matchboxes became its excellent substitute.
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, when lighters became an object of mass use among the population, American advertisers decided to place advertisements on matchboxes. It was convenient, because everyone used matches. This idea later spread all over the world, and matches became a symbol of advertising campaign.
  • A match made of wood and an igniter head can completely decompose in salt water for about 6 months. Such a short disposal period demonstrates the environmental friendliness of products made of natural material. However, it is worth refraining from throwing matches into the sea, because nature already suffers from excessive pollution by human society.

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Interesting facts about matchsticks


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