January is full of national holidays, which are popular among people, living in the country. Both children and adults enjoy such holidays, which are not so serious, but are dedicated to different funny things and are just a way to relax and have fun, so as spend more time with family or friends somewhere except home. There are a lot of reasons, which make people happy while cold winters, but there is one of them, which we would like to discuss today. The speech will go about chocolate. We will discuss all aspects of the holiday, dedicated to it, and will surely know, when is National Bittersweet Chocolate Day in 2020.


There are several types and tastes of chocolate in the world. All of them have their fans, and people all over the world prefer this or that taste. Nevertheless, it is hard to say, which of them is preferred more – all of them are equally popular. But today we would like to pay attention to bittersweet chocolate and speak about a holiday, made concretely in its honor. That is why we would like to begin our discussion and the first thing, which we need to know and speak about, will concern some history of how this holiday appeared.

Bittersweet Chocolate

So, we can’t say concretely, when in particular was the beginning of this holiday’s celebrations. But we can admit that it has long years of history already. Also, it is hard to define the creator of it all because there were so many people, who loved or created recipes and tastes of the chocolate. The chocolate, which we are speaking about, differs from the usual chocolate type. Its base is cocoa beans, to which other ingredients are added. Chocolate, made from cocoa, was made for many years already, it is an old recipe. On this recipe, all other types of chocolate and desserts are based. That is why everything about this holiday may be really interesting, so you may know, what day World Bittersweet Chocolate Day in 2020 is.


What does National Bittersweet Chocolate Day mean, we will be speaking about right now. We came to the part of the article, where we need to find out the main things, which will generally explain us, what is it all about. But still, from the previous paragraphs and also from the meaning of it all, we all gave probably well understood the sense and aim of this day. But still, we would like to combine all this information into one place in order to give you a good explanation and well-sorted facts.

So, what should be said is that this holiday is dedicated to the bittersweet chocolate and everything, which contain this chocolate. Participation in the celebrations actually doesn’t require any special responsibilities. Just let yourself relax a bit and taste and enjoy a piece of your favorite chocolate with a cup of coffee while a working break or in the evening behind the warm fireplace. Every person celebrates this day as he or she wishes, that is why everybody is free to choose the way of celebration, which he prefers better. All in all the holiday brings the atmosphere of relaxation and positive while winter January nights.


A bit earlier we have explained you the meaning of the holiday in general. Now it is time to deep into all the details, which concern the holiday, its celebrations and all other possible things. We hope that all in all you have understood the sense, though there must be nothing difficult in it and we tried to give you as full information as possible. The fewer questions you have – the better it is for you. It means that you will not need search the information, you are interested in, in other sources.

To define the holiday, we should say that as a usual holiday, it is celebrated once a year and has a regular, fixed date. The holiday is official and nationally observed, but only those, who want, can participate in it. There are no special requirements on the holiday that is why people are free to celebrate it as they wish. The aim of the holiday itself is to pay extra attention to the bittersweet chocolate – one of the types of chocolate with its special taste. This product was familiar to humans many years ago, but from that times many new ingredients appear and this chocolate is used in cooking very often. So, you can join the celebrations of this day if you know, when is International Bittersweet Chocolate Day 2020.


Now, this is very time to move closer to the discussions of traditions, which are popular among those people, who enjoy the celebrations of the holiday. All the celebrations are good for relaxation, for spending time in a good company, for spending a part of your day with your close people and enjoy the lovely taste of your favorite chocolate. Actually, people are free to invent their own ways to spend this time. Many of them share their ideas or time spent in any of social networks, as all people follow them and are interested in everything new.

Bittersweet Chocolate Pieces

But all in all the sense of the holiday goes to the only type of celebration, which is about tasting the chocolate. The rest of the celebrations are the variations of this main type. Usually, many shops or cafes offer a wide range of the most popular things, made the tastiest recipes, including bittersweet chocolate. Take a bag, go to the shop and buy at least something. Also, the second widespread tradition is to bake something with this chocolate on your own at home. Extremely popular are cookies, handmade, which have a special taste. Even at other days, these cookies are often met on the kitchens of citizens. So, as you see, many people really know, what is the date of National Bittersweet Chocolate Day 2020.

International Bittersweet Chocolate Day Facts

Finally, we came to the last point of our discussion. He we would like to name some interesting facts, which concern this holiday. One of them is that cocoa, from which this type of chocolate is made, does not grow everywhere. It is a specific plant, which requires special conditions, in which it can grow well. That is why it is planted only in Mexico, and Central and Southern America. Identically there cocoa beans are grown, and after they are collected, they are manufactured in other states, which are required due to the particular aims and recipes.

Also, it is an interesting fact, but maybe it is known to many of us, that cocoa beans are lack of sugar and fat, that is why chocolate, made of these beans, is used for health, unlike milk chocolate. That is why many people prefer this one instead of other more tasty, but fattening. So, those, who are fans of this very tasty and everything, connected with it, you may know, when is Bittersweet Chocolate Day in 2020, from the calendar, and celebrate it too. By the way, this year as a usual it will be celebrated on January 10th.


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