Every person loves and respects the country, where he or she lives and works. Patriotism is inculcated to every of us from the very beginning of our lives and it is one of the most important traits of a citizen of any country in the world. That is why many countries try to invent or already have holidays, which are dedicated to showing the love, devotion, and pride for the native place of living. One of the good examples, which can be described in this situation, can be the USA. This country and its people have always been proud of who they are and of everything, that surrounds them and for what they are doing. To prove it they decided to make a holiday, which is called the Flag Day. In the article further we will discuss, what does the holiday mean and when is Flag Day 2019.

Flag Day

Early history and why it all began

So, it may sound obvious, but the name of the holiday speaks for itself. American people love and respect their flag very much and it is very important for them. They do not like, when others insult or speak badly about themselves, the country, where they live or their flag. Also, people are extremely proud of all things, which America is famous for, like winning in different competitions or achievements in science or medicine. It is normal if any American citizen has the flag of the country or something with the symbol of the country in his house. But during the Flag Day itself, the flags can be seen everywhere, not only at home but in cafes, business centers, and outside people’s apartments. The same thing will happen in the following year, as people already know, what day Flag Day in 2019 is.

It all began a couple of hundred years ago when the flag of the United Stated has been confirmed. It may sound surprising, but the idea of celebrating and beginning such a holiday came from a usual school teacher. Later this day has been made an official state holiday. It was like celebrating a “birthday” of the national flag.

This tradition has been begun in one school than the idea was appreciated by other school and other states and people celebrated it on their own. As the years passed, more and more people took part in the holiday and government started to pay attention to it. Certainly, at the very beginning, this holiday was not so extensive, but every year more and more people supported this idea and government developed the celebrations more and more. And nowadays we see the results of people’s work of many years and have an opportunity to celebrate it all officially and have time to pay tribute to the loving country and its symbols.

Traditions and facts concerning the holiday

If speak about the official part of the holiday, the Flag Day is not a day off school or work. It is not treated like a weekend. Also, no special events are organized, though the holiday is marked in official documents. But this day differs from usual working days. As we have already mentioned, people hang flags everywhere they can to symbolize their love to it and their country. Moreover, schools and some organizations and companies arrange ceremonial raising of the flag. Also, it is usual for schools to organize different events with pupils instead of usual classes, dedicated to the topic of the national flag. It may be a lesson, concerning patriotism or something of the sort. That is why people never forget when is Flag Day 2019.

Flag Day

All in all this day has nothing special if speaking about the celebrations and traditional understanding of a holiday. But this day is really important for people in order not to forget that they love the place, where they live and treat everything, what does the country do for them and give them. This day doesn’t give people opportunity to forget their roots and awakens patriotism to the country. Also, it rallies people all around the country and raises patriotic feelings in every citizen. The more a person loves and treats the country, the more he struggles with it and tries to give it as much as he can. And it all is very important.

When is Flag Day in 2019, calendar

Well, actually many countries in the world have such a holiday. Except for the USA, such countries as Russia, Australia, Sweden, Canada, etc. celebrate this day. Certainly, in every country, it differs due to the obvious reasons. But if we speak particularly about the USA, people know, what is the date of Flag Day 2019 in their country. Officially it is celebrated on a particular day every year – June 14. But except this, the whole week is a so-called Week of Flag. It is time, during which the flags hang everywhere. And maybe there is no a country in the world, where the love for the flag and the country symbols is bigger.


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