Going through the historical events people can see a valuable role of great and strong people. Some figures make the history of each country. People pay tribute to them through the commemorating acts. One of them is an annual celebrating of their birthdays. A significant role in the history of female freedom and independence was played by Susan B Anthony. What was the woman? What did she do for women? When is Susan B Anthony’s Birthday in 2020?

The strong personality

February, 15th, 1820 was a day when the great woman was born. She was the founder of the movement of suffrage in the USA. Her personality is determined by her parents’ views. Susan not only took part in the American Association, but she was its president. Her presidency lasted for eight years. Susan B Anthony’s thoughts and beliefs created a foundation for the following changes to the Constitution. Twenty years later woman got the rights to vote.

Susan B Anthony's Birthday

Susan’s parents were the participants of the abolitionist movement. They fought for elimination of slavery. There was also a movement that wanted to stop alcoholism. Their intentions were directed to stop alcohol trading.

Susan B Anthony began taking part in the temperance movement. But then she realized completely the lack of public attention to her thoughts. Women’s thoughts weren’t interesting for anybody. So, she tried to do her best to advance the women’s freedom and value.

The Suffrage Association of America was founded in 1869. Earlier they started the magazine which was published every week. It promoted woman’s rights and was named as “The Revolution”. Susan B Anthony worked with E.C.Stanton. Women published three books dedicated to the history of suffrage. They also made the Women’s Loyal National League which consisted of females and pretended to be the first female organization. During the Civil War the women got 400 thousand signatures concerning the slaves’ freedom.

Susan made everything she could to persuade people in her truth. She gave lots of speeches and reports about the benefit of female voting. She also took part in the elections concerning the post of the President. It was illegally. The police arrested Susan B Anthony in 1872 and sentenced her to pay a 10 $ fine. The woman ignored it.

Susan B Anthony died in 1906, on 13 March. She didn’t achieve her goal. But the first steps were done. Adult females were given the right to vote in the elections due to the Constitution Amendment fourteen years later. Due to Susan’s work and contribution women and men have equal rights. The date of her birth was announced as a holiday in some states. People can give this information writing the internet request “What day Susan B Anthony’s Birthday in 2020”. In 1979 a new 1 dollar coin with Susan’s portrait was produced to honour the woman’s achievements. It was for the first time in the history of the US money when a female was printed on the coins.

Interesting facts about Susan

The woman’s life was very interesting and exciting. She honored her life to the struggle against men’s prejudice. Her life had interesting moments and events.

Special interest may be paid to such facts:

  • Susan B Anthony was born in the family which had 7 children. She was the 2nd
  • Her second name was Brownell.
  • The girl was very smart. She learned to write and read.
  • Nowadays the National Susan B Anthony Museum is functioning in the USA. It’s better to come to it on her birthday. “When is Susan B Anthony’s Birthday in 2020, calendar of events”. The museum’s prospects will give the answer.

Susan B Anthony's Birthday

  • The girl studied at the local school but after that she was a participant of the local educational establishment.
  • Susan was a teacher in different educational establishments for several years.
  • The starting point of her struggle was her month salary. It was only $2.5 while male teachers earned $10.
  • Friendship of two women (Elizabeth C.Stanton and Susan B Anthony) lasted for a whole life. The women directed their efforts to the creation of the Women League.
  • The woman was very insistent. She spent almost 37 years in a suffrage struggle. Her annual speech was directed to persuade the Congress to vote for the amendment.
  • The $10 bill was never paid by Susan. She was sentenced to it in 1872.
  • Nearly 100 speeches were annually made by the woman.
  • The newspaper “The Revolution” was started in 1868. It was published nearly 2.5 years.
  • The most famous Susan’s words are “failure is impossible” spoken during her last speech.

The woman’s life was fully dedicated to the topic of females’ rights and voting. She was so persistent that the amendment to the Constitution is known as Anthony’s amendment.

Susan B Anthony

The traditions of celebrating

In 2012 the tradition was started to celebrate Anthony’s Birthday annually. What is the date of Susan B Anthony’s birthday 2020? It is on February, 15, though it is celebrated not in the whole America. The initiator of celebrating traditions was the Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies named in her honour.

Annually the students and professors visit the woman’s gravesite which is situated in the Mount Hope Cemetery. There is a tradition of laying roses, yellow in colour. It is the symbolic sign of suffrage.

The annual ceremony also includes a brief speech on the cemetery. The speaker is chosen among the best female students. The girl becomes an annual leader. The ceremony continues with a great supper with a cake. Visitors of the University go to the Susan’s museum.

Besides the ceremony held in the University, people can also watch the programs on TV and listen to different lectures about Susan’s life and achievements. The American students are proposed to write essays devoted to the founder and leader of suffrage movement. If a person wants to be a participant of the events, he should ask a question “When is Susan B Anthony’s Birthday 2020?”


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