“Do you know what our most common mistake is? We quickly give up. We quickly abandon the goal, justifying it with the banal “what are you going to do, it’s not meant to be.” But sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to try one more time. Knock, return, try a second time… And even if it doesn’t work out again, don’t waste time on self-torture. You can’t dwell not only on what has been achieved, but also on what has not been achieved. To reach the goal, you need to go first.“- Elchin Safarli
If you didn’t have time to do everything you planned at the beginning of the year:
- don’t stop
- keep going
- don’t beat yourself up
- don’t criticize yourself
- support yourself
- show yourself understanding and compassion
- reassess your capabilities or goals/ways to achieve them
- take into account the influence of irresistible external bequests and conditions.
Most often, at the end of the year, the causes of depression, depressed mood, anxiety and irritability are:
- conditional need for performance evaluation and summaries
- inconsistency of our expectations with reality
- excessive demands on oneself
- the need for approval from others.
It is important to recognize that your loved ones are also experiencing similar feelings and moods.
Consider that not all their hopes and dreams have come true.
In such a state, it is difficult to be a support and support for someone else. Therefore, open conversations, compassion, attention and sensitivity are what everyone needs most right now.
Take care of yourself and the feelings of your loved ones!