The importance of woman in the society cannot be underestimated. Can you imagine a Universe without them? Words to describe their characteristics are numerous – the beauty of Earth, the power of men, the most mysterious and enigmatic creation. Husbands call them wives,  children – mothers and grandmothers, and this list is continued with many and many sentences. Ladies were always a source of inspiration for artists.

Museums are full of masterpieces and sculptures honoring the female charm, wisdom, and perseverance. In short, they are irreplaceable in life because the life itself could not start without a woman. Even the first Chapter of Bible, the Book of Genesis mentions Eve as the «Mother of all living creatures». God made her from Adam’s shoulder, and He gave her an obligation to help and support her husband and from the very beginning of human history, she remained his integral part.

Nowadays all Earth citizens deserve to have legal rights and to maintain parity in every event of existence. Despite the fact, dames struggled and suffered very much from a strong discrimination in their natural freedoms. That is why the present article aims to make everyone aware of when is Women’s Equality Day in 2024 and what are its special importance and meaning.

Women's Equality Day

The meaning of the feast

What does Women’s Equality Day mean for Americans? Why do people pay so much attention to this fundamental legality of being the same in essential human needs?

The answer is true for many and many points of view. Ladies who are, as a rule, a feebler sex, need a fairness in masculine sex. This anniversary, having a profound historic background, shows a necessity to defend ladies’ goodness and to put them in one line with the stronger inhabitants of the world. It also insists on the fact that nobody has justice to refuse a woman the following statements:

  • The place of work and the possibility to choose a work she loves
  • The need for rest and for doing beloved activities
  • The truth to obtain some information
  • The freedom to follow religious, politicial, and social organizations
  • The justice of voting and so on and so forth
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The last point remains the most discussed because myrmidons of law and justice defend it more and more ardently. Civilization must have a run-down what day is Women’s Equality Day in 2024 and do not miss the possibility to take part in some events.

The definition of the holiday

Concerning the problem of female suffrage legacy, it had been many times limited for the fair sex representatives. Do you remember a famous German sentence, which determined ladies’ place in life – «Church. Children. Kitchen» (its original version is much more impressive because all words start with the same sound, which gives a spirit of order beginning by three letters K – Kirchen, Kinder, Kuchen).

All duties of wives were defined in these stated locations – they had to visit the church, to grow up the kids, and make dinner. They did not have any time for rest, leisure activities, and hobbies. One does not want support and promote here some feminist movements placing a woman at the top of the Universe because it is totally foolish. One just tends to restore an equability between two genders in questions of suffrage and basic generation permissions, to prove their relativity and importance one for another.

The celebration is marked August 26th, this year it falls on Saturday in calendars so everyone may be informed when is Women’s Equality Day in 2024. This gala pushes us to consider about our own position toward the discrimination features in our lives and families, in our places of work, and in all the relationships. Do we really save the nearest female or do we make them cry? What is our behavior?

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The history of the day out

In addition to this, the story of human development and of all mankind, in general, discovers than dames have in most cases been infringed in essential people’ good of ballot. They have been refused some civil possibilities comparing with men. The hugest injustice touched a lawfulness to show on hands and a self-impression. Moreover, it is still present in modern times because female gender consists a minor part in the State government that are gentlemen as it is in the USA power system and all over the world. A woman was always a tiny particle of life which should stay at home dissimulating her thoughts, feelings, talents and capabilities. Nevertheless, one perfectly may number numerous women who greatly influenced and changed the whole Globe.

If you want to take part in a day festival celebration, the party time repeats annually on August 26th. Why did the Americans choose this date? It is a starting point of a renewed female’s history when American and after all Earth dames were given a chance to suffrage and express themselves. This significant occurrence happened in 1920.

Women's Equality Day

The basis for the event was assured by the 19th Amendment to the USA Constitution. The basis for the attachment was first established much earlier, in 1878. Its creators were two brave ladies, Lucretia Mott and Elisabeth Stanton. They both initiated the Prime Congress of the US female citizens in 1878. The reunion fought for uniformity between sexes and its followers and supporters were thus called «suffragists» (from the word suffrage – the right for voting). As the historians testify, the suffragists belonged to a middle or a high-class population, they had some college or school formation. They easily understood that they could not take part in all spheres of life without a legacy for voting. Their activity almost stopped with the beginning of Civil War in the 50th of XIX century but it was restored thanks for Alice Poll, a lawyer, and a public character.

Now one can understand what is the date of Women’s Equality Day in 2024. It is rooted in historical reality. In 1913 Alice set up a peace demonstration in front of the White house. She wanted everybody to attract attention to the problem of sexual equality. As the manuscripts tell, there were so many women in the streets that nobody could count them. One year after the meeting, the Congress approved a new law but it came into force only two years later, so in 1920 American mothers, wives, and housekeepers obtained a true right for voting.

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What are Women’s Equality Day facts and traditions?

During the last century, the freedoms and obligation did not change a lot. Nowadays, the US women are given more possibilities as well as every woman around the globe. They take part in councils, defend other humiliated justice and bring some pieces of happiness to the world. This day, all over the country, official gatherings are organized, everyone may assist in them. Nobody is afraid of speaking in a loud voice, in declaring one’s position. If you want to encourage them, do not be ashamed and follow the party time even if you are a man. There are many ladies who do not yet know about their freedom in all parts of life, though tell them when is National Women’s Equality Day in 2024 and help them celebrate it. One can suppose this day is a perfect occasion to honor every woman just for its existing in the world. Support those who are frightened and scared, give them some attention and care.

Happy holiday for all, women!


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