When is National Homemade Cookie Day in 2024? That is a good question, but before answering it, it is vital to get something to know about its history. It is actually hard to tell something definite about the origin of the National Homemade Cookie Day. Nevertheless, one of the commonly shared opinions about the history of the holiday is the following: it is connected with the anniversary of the New York Cocoa Exchange, which is celebrated on the same date. But it is only one of the views, there is one more to consider.

It is connected with the name of Ruth Wakefield, who invented the chocolate chip cookies. So, how did it happen? A long time ago, in 1937, Mrs. Wakefield was preparing dough for her own inn. Suddenly she ran out of baker’s chocolate. She had nothing to do but chip the Nestle chocolate bar into small pieces and add all these into the dough.

She expected the pieces to melt in the cookies, but they didn’t. However, it did not spoil the taste, it greatly improved it. This led to the rise of semi-sweet chocolate chips sales, which were used in order to make the homemade cookies. Then Mrs. Wakefield and Nestle made an agreement that the company would place her recipe on the back side of the package.

Homemade Cookies

Meaning of the holiday

What does National Homemade Cookie Day mean? This question has to be answered for those who wonder what day World Homemade Cookie Day in 2024 is. This day means celebrating the great taste of the homemade cookies and getting pleasure from it. Baking of any kinds of cookies is fine. Some people decide to prepare a lot of cookies for their family.

Who bakes the most delicious cookies? Certainly, mothers do! That is why the holiday is not celebrated without the mothers’ participation. Lots of people bake the cookies not during the holiday itself, but the night before. They do it so to enjoy the prepared stuff during the celebration.

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Definition of the holiday

When is International Homemade Cookie Day in 2024? This year the holiday is held on the first of October. Certainly, this holiday cannot be called formal, it is created in order to have fun without really commemorating something. So to define the holiday correctly, it is necessary to get deeper into the meaning of the word “homemade”.

Homemade cookies are the tasty treats made from the scratch. What if the box mix is being used in the process of cookies creating? It is okay, the cookies will still be considered homemade ones. Why is this holiday loved by everyone so much? Probably, the thing is, that you don’t have to be great in cooking, just have fun!

Traditions of the holiday

What is the date of National Homemade Cookie Day in 2024? Answering this question also requires talking about the appropriate activities during this day. There are some ideas that will be able to bring in something new into the celebration of this holiday. What are they?

  • Bake a day for someone. It is possible to bake the cookies by yourself but share them with everyone you know. These are people from work, colleagues, schoolmates, classmates, and friends. It will improve people’s mood and make them a little happier. Moreover, it is impossible to make only one cookie, people always make a whole lot of them while baking;
  • Organize a cookie baking competition. It can be done either at your house or anywhere else. This year the holiday is held on Sunday, which means that friends will be able to come over, hang out and participate. Why not spread the holiday in the area? The participants can ever create a brand-new recipe that will be remembered and used for a long time;
  • Create your own signature treat. What does it mean? It is too boring to use the ready mix like Marta Stewart. Experiment with dough, adding various ingredients to it so to make it special.
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There is also great advice regarding the improvement of cookies’ cooking process. It is necessary to do stuff listed below. It is really a blast, that will help to become an expert in homemade cookies making. By using these recommendations, it is possible to create the amazing atmosphere during the holiday!

  • The butter added into the cookies has to be a room temperature. If it is time to bake already, but the butter has stayed in the fridge for too long, you may put it in the microwave oven right in the wrapper. While doing it is necessary to check the softness so it was fine for baking, not too liquid. Usually, twenty second is enough;
  • Each egg has to be bitten separately;
  • In order to make the sugar fluffy but not grainy, it is vital to cream it combining with butter;
  • The flour has to be carefully sifted into the mixture so that it would not pack;
  • The measuring process with the cups has to be done carefully enough because a lot of people neglect this and get the bad results of cooking in the end;
  • It is necessary to put parchment paper on the metal sheets while baking. It will prevent cookies from spreading all over the sheet.

Homemade Cookies with M&Ms

International Homemade Cookie Day Facts

When is Homemade Cookie Day in 2024 (calendar)? This year it is held on the first of October, and it would be interesting to know some facts about the holiday. Some of them are listed below. They can be curious for those who have decided to celebrate this delicious holiday.

  • The English word cookie was derived from the Dutch. The similar word in this language meant a small cake;
  • Fortune cookies are not really a treat from China, as it is thought nowadays. They originated from California;
  • The Girl Scout cookies (extremely popular in the US now) were first referred to in 1917. Thin Mint still stay the most popular ones;
  • The most popular kind of cookies in the United States are the chocolate chip cookies. This treat is most actively bought out in the stores and baked at the same time. They are the most popularly baked during the holiday discussed in this article;
  • The biggest chocolate cookie made in the history of mankind weighed more than forty thousand pounds and its diameter equaled hundred and two feet.
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Was it interesting? If yes, it would be curious to know the recipe for making the chocolate chip cookies! Certainly, there are plenty of them, but here’s one to share. You need:

  • To mix 125 g of softened butter (unsalted) and 100 g of brown sugar in a large bowl. One egg has to be added into the bowl. The next step is represented by adding of 1,5 teaspoon of vanilla;
  • All we added together, has to be mixed. Afterward, 125 g of flour and a half teaspoon of salt have to be added into the mix. Remember of sifting the flour. The mix has to be combined well enough;
  • The next step is adding 200 g of chocolate chips and mixing again;
  • The dough has to be shaped into the inch-balls and placed into the tray for baking. Enjoy!

There are plenty of similar recipes for cookies baking. The people, who hold the holiday and consider it significant for themselves, can choose anything they enjoy. The holiday is especially valued by small children because they cannot live without candy. That is why it would be nice to involve them into the process of cookie making. They will have fun, develop themselves, make a contribution into the family’s labor and reward themselves with a cookie in the end, which will make a nice holiday all in all!


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