Every year the Holocaust day takes place. When is Holocaust Memorial Day in 2020? In 2020 it will be on January 27. This event is dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of this terrible events in the history.

In this day people remember everyone who died of Nazis. In this day people remember more than 6 millions of men and women, who have been murdered in genocides.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust comes from the Greek word and means burning. This terrible event happened in 1933-1945 years. In modern literature, this event indicates the aggressive policy of Nazi Germany , which killed huge number of innocent people.

History of the terrible event

When is Holocaust Memorial Day 2020? As it was noted earlier, the holiday falls this year on January 27. On this day millions of people will gather to commemorate the victims. On this day in 1945 the Soviet army liberated the largest Nazi camp in Poland, where the huge number of people was killed. The exact number of victims is still impossible to establish. It is assumed that at all over 6 million people were slaughtered. That’s why this day of 27 January was chosen.

In memory of the dead Jews, a huge number of monuments, museums in many countries was erected. The most famous memorials are in Jerusalem, Washington, Paris, Amsterdam, Moscow. Still in day of memory of the Holocaust on 27 January in Israel, millions people read a prayer for the repose. In the country in this day, you may hear mourning siren sounds. Also people cease all activity, traffic, and pause for respectful silence.

What is the date of Holocaust

Hitler hated the Jews because of their religion. He identified them by clothing, behavior, manner of communication. He has formed a negative attitude to this nation. He hated this nation so much that exactly it led to the fact that it began to pursue the aim of destroying the whole nation.

Not only Germans took an active part in the genocide of the Jewish population, but also representatives of almost all the peoples of Nazi occupied Europe. People were killed just because of who they are, of their religion and nationality. According to official statistics, victims were 6 million Jews from Europe, although there is no accurate list of the dead and to establish their accurate number is not possible.

The Holocaust destroyed two thirds of the Jews of Europe. Still, the Jewish population (13.5 million Jews) can not return to pre-war level (16 million people). It is known that in the autumn of 1941 the ominous machine-“gas vans” which killed people by the exhaust, was tested on Soviet Jews. Millions of people have been killed and have no graves, no one was buried, and they became burnt and turned to ashes.


The Holocaust is a global catastrophe

What is the date of Holocaust Memorial Day 2020? The Holocaust is one of the global catastrophes of the twentieth century that questioned the moral foundations of dehumanized society people that gave evil the power to continue spreading across the Planet. Despite the fact that the tragedy took place many years ago, it is still relevant to people.

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During just a few years it was destroyed a number of Jews, after decades, this loss is still felt. This issue is regularly devoted to memorials, memories, documents, movies. But the Holocaust is not only the story of 6 million victims. It is also the story of the struggle. The claim that the Jews went to the slaughter like a docile flock of sheep, is false. They fought, they fought back. There was a Jewish resistance, the underground, numerous partisan detachments. There were the uprisings in ghettos and concentration camps.

Memory’s day this year

In order to answer the question, when Holocaust Memorial Day is in 2020 calendar, we should say, it takes place on January 27. Every year, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Israel organizes the missions and envoys abroad ceremonies, educational and cultural events, films and other events to mark the International day of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. This year such events are held in 100 countries – from New Zealand, China, Korea and India to Russia, Albania, Germany and the UK, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Senegal to the United States and Mexico.

Holocaust Memorial Day

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Israel sends abroad teachers and survived witnesses of the Holocaust to convey eyewitness accounts and scientific knowledge to future generations. On January 27, the UN General Assembly will hold a ceremony of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. In many countries this day there will be a ceremony of ignition of candles in memory of the victims.

What day is Holocaust Memorial Day in 2020? Today Israel is home to 193 000 people who survived the Holocaust. Each of them has the hidden soul, which is sometimes incomprehensible to other people. There are new stories and testimonies about the Holocaust that help us better understand what happened during the Holocaust. In the country during two minute a siren will be heard. At this time, people will stop and stand in silence. Even those who are driving will stop, and drivers and passengers can stand at attention next to the vehicle within two minutes.

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TV channels of Israel will show movies and documentaries about the Holocaust, and on the radio all day serious music and broadcast programs about it are going to be played.

Some sections of society are not actively engaged in mourning, but despite this, the majority of Israelis celebrates this day.


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