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When is Commitment Day 2020

When is Commitment Day 2020

Do you know that the first day of the New Year is not just the holiday called “the first day of New Year”? In fact, the date also features one of the most serious observances ever created by the human.

When is National Commitment Day in 2020 and what exactly should we commit ourselves to? Read on!


Unfortunately, there is no much to tell about the history of the holiday. Even the background – obviously, connected to the commitments – could be described in a few words: since the conscious man came into this world, they’d had some sort of dedication to something, had given the promises to ourselves and to the others and tried their best to keep them.

The only factual piece of information is this: the observance has been celebrated since the beginning of the 60’s. In a way, it’s something like the continuation of the New Year’s resolution thing when you make up the list of the activities long-awaited to be started or finished and decisions to be made during the upcoming three hundred and sixty-five days. The difference is that the resolutions are for people themselves while the commitments are more often made to the others.

Commitment Day Logo

The holiday is rather widespread in the US, although the way of celebration there differs from the conception we’ve just mentioned. The Americans commit themselves to… the healthy 5K Fun Run and Walk event! Yep, it goes exactly like that: on the morning after the nationwide festivities the whole country (okay, only 50 cities, but that still counts!) comes out of the houses and runs, jogs, strolls, and walks. In a nutshell, they start their year with committing to the healthy lifestyle. Good example, isn’t it?


What does Commitment Day mean? It means taking some time to think about setting the new goals, keeping the word you’ve once given and, overall, to reflect upon the achievements you’vereached and the failures you’ve experienced.

When is International Commitment Day 2020? As you’ve probably guessed, it happens on the first day of the year.

Speaking of commitments, you don’t owe anything to anyone, except to yourself. But this exception is much more important than you may think. Everyone must live their life to the fullest, interestingly and happily, gain success in the field they’d like to connect the professional life with, fill each day with the meaning and end it every time with the great satisfaction. You owe it to yourself but, nevertheless, it can’t be fulfilled without some commitments made to the people around you.

You must always speak the truth. On one hand, concealing the state of things happening in your life from the near and dear ones, who’d understand and support you, it’s a kind of deception. One little «non-talking» turns into the ten big lies in the future. The friends and relatives will extend a helping hand no matter what, even if they don’t comprehend your motives. That’s the best thing in the relationships so learn to be sincere and to ask for help – there’s no shame in that.

On the other hand, you must be honest with yourself and this is a more difficult task. Whenyourlovedonesknowwhat’sgoingonwithyou and you refuse to admit it, they are those people who’d push you out of the deadlock. If they see that you lowered your bar and live half-heartedly, they will inform you on this by giving a proper kick. Figuratively, of course.

We ignore the life so often, together with the signals it gives us. You must look bravely at your life, examine it from all sides, not leaving without attention even the most unpleasant parts of it, to see the picture wholly and accept it as it is. The life of yours, with all its downsides, must not be taken for granted as well as the commitments you are sometimes forced to make.And never scold yourself but compliment for the boldness to embrace the truth and readiness to change the way the things go.

Let’s live our lives consciously, love them for what they are now and try to do them better every day, regardless of what day Commitment Day in 2020 falls on. Let’s be honest with our inner “us” and with the people around. If we’d ever meet the person who embodies our own life, we could look them in the eye with a smile on the face.


The commitment is the sort of the agreement (verbal or written, whatever) concluded with someone to perform some kind of action. This “someone” could be the person themselves who take the pledge. The human is always free in their choice, decision, and act. It means that the commitments are taken on solely by them.

Yet some of the pledges are meant for everyone. And each of us dedicates themselves to the commitments willingly. People can’t live on their own, in the total loneliness, that’s where the various responsibilities come from.

The most important are the commitments made to the family: every person in this world is deeply involved in the family relationships. Here go the pledges in the face of the parents, sisters, brothers, etc. in the same way, as our parents care for us in the childhood and the adulthood, we must look after them when they’d age. The responsibilities towards the society we live in are characterized with the slogan like “live and let the others live, too”. Enjoying your rights, don’t forget about the respect towards the rights of the others. It harmonizes the world and contributes to the common goal of reaching the peace on this planet. Sometimes you are ought to show the humaneness and support the strangers who are in troubles. No one orders us to, but still, this is kind of a moral duty, sort of commitment.

Commitment Day Demonstration

The responsibility towards the nation characterizes by the respect for the Constitution of your country. It’s not in the fiery proclamations of love for your motherland but in the observance of its rules and laws. The commitments to the other nations are meant for everyone, too. Each of us is the face of our country. Communicating with the people from the other lands we should be restrained and full of dignity.

The last commitment that integrates all people in the world is that made to the Mother Nature. Only by comprehending the level of responsibility we’re carrying for the flora and fauna around us we can preserve it for the years to come.

What is the date of Commitment Day 2020? It’s January 1st.


How can you celebrate the holiday? First, you have to understand that the reasons for the failure are the absence of commitments together with the plan. And this absence is not just the inconstant factor that could be changed at any moment but the characteristic of a person, strongly linked to their system of the values. The commitments go with the responsibilities, yet you can always step back and sink into the background, not making the things that are necessary for success until you take them on. But when you do make the commitments, it is the moment when you finally set the countdown towards the future achievements.

So sit down at the table, take the pen in your hand and think thoroughly over the commitments that should be made both to yourself and to the people around.

National Commitment Day Facts

  • Although Americans are for the more active way of celebrating the holiday, they reflect on their life on that day, too.

Carve a space in your calendar, when is Commitment Day in 2020, and always keep your word once you’ve given it, no matter whom to and no matter when.


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